Hello Frank, Hello Jesus -

Frank is quite correct (thanks as always).

If you have multiple Client clauses you might consider using a PreClientHook instead.

And I usually keep my hook code in seperate files - see the examples in "goodies/hooks.txt".



On Saturday, Oct 18, 2003, at 05:52 Australia/Melbourne, Frank Danielson wrote:

I would use a PreHandler hook in your Client clause to look for the request
type and set an appropriate attribute to use in a Handler later. Since you
have multiple Digest-Attribute attributes the only way I know of to handle
it would be to spool through the incoming request's attrbutes looking for
the one you want. You could try something like this->

<Client 111.222.333.444>
        Secret somesecret
        PreHandlerHook sub {my ($r,$value);\
        foreach $r (@{${$_[0]}->{Attributes}})\
                if ($r->[0] eq "Digest-Attributes")\
                        $value = Radius::AttrVal::pclean($r->[1]);\
                        ${$_[0]}->add_attr('SIP-Request',$value) if ($value

<Handler SIP-Request=REGISTER>

<Handler SIP-Request=INVITE>

Obviously I have not tested this so proceed at your own risk.

Frank Danielson
[Infrastructure Architect]


ClearSky Mobile Media, Inc.
56 E. Pine St. Suite 200
Orlando, FL 32801

-----Original Message-----
From: Jesus Rodriguez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 2:30 PM
Subject: (RADIATOR) Handler SIP Proxy


My SIP proxy authenticates REGISTER and INVITE requests against Radiator. I
would like to be able to diferentiate between both requests.

This is a REGISTER request:

Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 104
Authentic: <217><134><30>y<250>D<214>j<212>`N\F<254>{<222>
Digest-Attributes = <10><12>3400000002
Digest-Attributes = <1><13>voztele.com
Digest-Attributes = <2>*3f9032160a04f9a07db6b7431a03c66e63917d8e
Digest-Attributes = <4><17>sip:voztele.com
Digest-Attributes = <3><10>REGISTER
Digest-Response = "5d484ab3e8c3ee3aa8aeb4f7238d9456"
Service-Type = SIP
SIP-URI-User = "3400000002"
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 5060

And this is an INVITE request:

Code: Access-Request
Identifier: 100
Authentic: <230><141><168>k<203>:}<239><134><139>O<227>]<6><147>'
Digest-Attributes = <10><12>3400000000
Digest-Attributes = <1><13>voztele.com
Digest-Attributes = <2>*3f90309d03749b41dfcc0d202bc35f89ebfc9d1c
Digest-Attributes = <4><27>sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Digest-Attributes = <3><8>INVITE
Digest-Response = "f398469d53d8eeb47bbde0d45f78583d"
Service-Type = SIP
SIP-URI-User = "3400000000"
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 5060

The only difference between them are these Digest-Attributes:

        Digest-Attributes = <3><10>REGISTER
        Digest-Attributes = <3><8>INVITE

I've been playing with <Handler Digest-Attributes = xxxxx" where xxxxx are
different regular expressions but no luck.

Is there some way to diferentiate both requests? I have to treat them in a
different way because i need to send a reply attribute only for the INVITEs.

Thanks in advance.


Jesus Rodriguez
Endercom Comunicaciones, S.L.
Tel. +34 934424293
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