Ado kiriman lagi...

Tanyato barito dari CNN tersebut bukan hoax, karano memang betul2 ado diwebsite 
CNN, dan bisa dunsanak caliek di :

Hanyo sajo BMG alah mambantah isu tersebut, seperti dibaritokan metro tv di

BMG MEMBANTAH ISU GEMPA 9 SR, Jakarta: Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika (BMG) membantah 
adanya isu akan terjadi gempa berkekuatan 9 pada skala Richter sebagai 
akumulasi sejumlah gempa akhir-akhir ini. Hal tersebut disampaikan Sekretaris 
Utama BMG Andi Eka Saktia saat menjawab pertanyaan sejumlah anggota Komisi V 
DPR dalam rapat dengar pendapat, Selasa (18/9).

      Menurut Andi, hingga kini, belum ada satu pun teknologi yang dapat 
memprediksi terjadinya gempa. Ia menambahkan, sejumlah gempa yang terjadi di 
Bengkulu dan Sumatra Barat tidak akan membuat gempa susulan terjadi dalam skala 
besar dari gempa awal. Namun Andi tidak membantah, jika gempa berkekuatan 9 
skala Richter itu terjadi dan menimbulkan tsunami, maka daratan-daratan landai 
Indonesia seperti wilayah selatan dan barat berpotensi tenggelam.(NTF)


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Linda_QA 
  Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 1:16 PM
  Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: Indonesia Menunggu Datangnya Gempa Dahsyat 
Lebih Dari 9 SR

  Alhamdulillah, ternyata berita ini hanya hoax
  Crosscheck dari


  "Indonesia's big one 'on its way"



  PADANG, Indonesia (CNN) -- An international team of earthquake
  specialists says Indonesia faces another potential "giant" quake in the
  near future.


  The scientists, including a team from the California Institute of
  Technology, says three major quakes in the last week have increased the
  likelihood of a major disaster.

  CNN traveled to the earthquake zone with a scientist who deliberately
  puts himself in the path of the world's most powerful quakes. 

  Smack on the equator, Indonesia <>
  's Sumatra <> island holds the
  deadliest stretch of ocean in the world.

  "You'd see a strip 30 meters high, stripped down to bedrock," says John
  Galetzka, a former U.S. Army ranger who is now adventuring on another
  frontline as an earthquake geologist. He is investigating the fault line
  that sparked the 2004 tsunami and, in recent days, three more powerful

  Last Friday, Galetzka shot video footage of the shaking beach, with
  startled locals scrambling upshore. 

  His thoughts turned immediately to the tsunami danger, and his command
  ship offshore. Just moments later he caught the panic near the beach, as
  he saw families evacuating to the hills about 200 meters behind their

  The day before, another big quake struck -- larger, but further away.
  Galetzka recalls the long slow waves and a shivering water bottle. For
  the American geologist, this is where theory meets reality.

  "I just felt like the luckiest man alive to feel two strong events," he
  says. "You can almost hear the excitement in my voice -- oh my gosh,
  this is it, this is it ..."

  Don't Miss

  *        Indonesia may yet face 'big one' 

  *        Indonesia shaking 3 days on 

  *        'Quirk' pushed tsunami out to sea 

  *        I-Reporters capture video from Indonesian quake 

  *        I-Report: Did you see or feel the quake? 

  Galetzka is now examining the evidence that his team believes indicates
  the arrival another giant earthquake, and possible tsunami. 

  He has established a network of position-markers, linked by satellite,
  that show a constant creep, northeast, among the islands on Indonesia's
  Indian Ocean frontier. The first one was placed in August 2002.

  The 30 measuring stations along Sumatra's western coast tell an ominous
  tale. Driven by the plate beneath the Indian Ocean, the entire coastline
  is flexing, as the earth literally bends. The pressures are already
  enormous, and at some point probably soon, they will become intolerable.

  The implications are terrifying.

  "Eventually it has got to release in (the form) of giant earthquake,"
  states Galetzka matter-of-factly.

  It could be a rare magnitude-9 quake, and with the plates so tightly
  sprung, it will happen sooner, he believes, rather than later.

  Knowing what he knows, does he worry about the people living along this

  "I absolutely do," he replies. "I tell them to be prepared. Whenever I
  am in Padang I think about my escape routes, almost every moment."

  As he criss-crosses around the islands, searching for data, Galetzka
  says his aim is to save lives. But he, more than anyone, knows the risks
  -- that one day he'll confront a giant wave, a tsunami powerful enough
  to swallow islands.


  The geologist's voice quivers as he imagines "the big one." 

  "If we saw it, we'd just head right into it. I'd shake your hand and
  say, good luck!"







  At 12:55 PM 9/20/2007, you wrote:

    Astagfirullah... Semoga tidak terjadi. --> berita dari
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    To: milis-nakita List Member 
    Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 10:36 AM
    Subject: [milis-nakita] Indonesia Menunggu Datangnya Gempa Dahsyat Lebih 
Dari 9 SR {02} 
    PADANG, Indonesia (CNN) -- An international team of earthquake specialists 
says Indonesia faces another potential "giant" quake in the near future.
    The scientists, including a team from the California Institute of 
Technology, says three major quakes in the last week have increased the 
likelihood of a major disaster.
    CNN traveled to the earthquake zone with a scientist who deliberately puts 
himself in the path of the world's most powerful quakes. 
    Smack on the equator, Indonesia's Sumatra island holds the deadliest 
stretch of ocean in the world.
    "You'd see a strip 30 meters high, stripped down to bedrock," says John 
Galetzka, a former U.S. Army ranger who is now adventuring on another frontline 
as an earthquake geologist. He is investigating the fault line that sparked the 
2004 tsunami and, in recent days, three more powerful quakes.
    Last Friday, Galetzka shot video footage of the shaking beach, with 
startled locals scrambling upshore. 
    His thoughts turned immediately to the tsunami danger, and his command ship 
offshore. Just moments later he caught the panic near the beach, as he saw 
families evacuating to the hills about 200 meters behind their village.
    The day before, another big quake struck -- larger, but further away. 
Galetzka recalls the long slow waves and a shivering water bottle. For the 
American geologist, this is where theory meets reality.
    "I just felt like the luckiest man alive to feel two strong events," he 
says. "You can almost hear the excitement in my voice -- oh my gosh, this is 
it, this is it ..."

    Don't Miss
    ·         Indonesia may yet face 'big one' 
    ·         Indonesia shaking 3 days on 
    ·         'Quirk' pushed tsunami out to sea 
    ·         I-Reporters capture video from Indonesian quake 
    ·         I-Report: Did you see or feel the quake? 
    Galetzka is now examining the evidence that his team believes indicates the 
arrival another giant earthquake, and possible tsunami. 
    He has established a network of position-markers, linked by satellite, that 
show a constant creep, northeast, among the islands on Indonesia's Indian Ocean 
frontier. The first one was placed in August 2002.
    The 30 measuring stations along Sumatra's western coast tell an ominous 
tale. Driven by the plate beneath the Indian Ocean, the entire coastline is 
flexing, as the earth literally bends. The pressures are already enormous, and 
at some point probably soon, they will become intolerable.
    The implications are terrifying.
    "Eventually it has got to release in (the form) of giant earthquake," 
states Galetzka matter-of-factly.
    It could be a rare magnitude-9 quake, and with the plates so tightly 
sprung, it will happen sooner, he believes, rather than later.
    Knowing what he knows, does he worry about the people living along this 
    "I absolutely do," he replies. "I tell them to be prepared. Whenever I am 
in Padang I think about my escape routes, almost every moment."
    As he criss-crosses around the islands, searching for data, Galetzka says 
his aim is to save lives. But he, more than anyone, knows the risks -- that one 
day he'll confront a giant wave, a tsunami powerful enough to swallow islands.
    The geologist's voice quivers as he imagines "the big one." 
    "If we saw it, we'd just head right into it. I'd shake your hand and say, 
good luck!"


    From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wanti
    Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 10:21 AM
    To: milis-nakita List Member
    Subject: [milis-nakita] Indonesia Menunggu Datangnya Gempa Dahsyat Lebih 
Dari 9 SR {01}
    FYI..... ( Please, cross check kebenarannya .)
    Subject: FW: Indonesia Menunggu Datangnya Gempa Dahsyat Lebih Dari 9 SR
    Dari milis tetangga.......tolong diinformasikan ke teman2nya....
    Indonesia Menunggu Datangnya Gempa Dahsyat Lebih Dari 9 SR

    Baru saja diberitakan oleh TV CNN pada tanggal 17 September 2007
    tentang Datangnya Gempa Dahsyat yang lebih atau sekitar 9 SR disekitar
    Sumatra Barat.

    CNN melakukan peninjauan khusus bersama pemburu Gempa dari California
    Technology Institute. Pemburu gempa ini adalah geoloog dari CalTech
    yang meneliti semua gempa2 yang muncul di Indonesia terutama yang
    terakhir ini yang katanya mengakibatkan kerak bumi melipat sehingga
    menimbulkan gempa sekitar 7 SR lebih baru2 ini.

    Akibat dari kerak bumi yang melipat sehingga overlap satu dengan
    lainnya yang terjadi diwilayah sekitar SumBar, akan memaksa efek balik
    seperti pegas, karena lipatan ini akan berusaha mengembalikan atau
    meratakan kerak bumi yang melipat ini seperti ibaratnya pegas yang
    apabila kita tekuk akan menimbulkan kekuatan yang arahnya sebaliknya
    dari arah tenaga yang menekuknya untuk kembali ke bentuk semula.

    Reaksi balik pegas akan terjadi terhadap kerak bumi yang melipat
    akibat gempa baru2 ini yang besarnya sekitar 7 SR itu, namun reaksi
    balik pegas ini akan berakibat gempa yang besarnya lebih dari 7 SR
    yang diperkirakan sebesar 9 SR atau lebih.

    Menurut ahli geologi pemburu gempa ini, gempa yang ditunggu itu akan
    muncul dalam waktu dekat. Tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan selain
    mengumumkannya kepada masyarakat luas diwilayah SumBar untuk ber-jaga2
    datangnya gempa ini yang kemungkinan akan disertai Tsunami. Persiapan
    mental dibutuhkan masyarakat agar dengan persiapan yang baik maka
    datangnya gempa tidak akan menimbulkan kepanikan sehingga jatuh korban
    yang jauh lebih besar.

    Kapan tepatnya kedatangan gempa dahsyat ini, sang pemburu gempa
    sendiri tidak bisa memastikan. Namun sang pemburu gempa ini
    menyatakan akan tetap mengejar gempa dahsyat ini untuk menyaksikannya
    sendiri bersama masyarakat.

    Kalo benar gempa dahsyat ini benar akan muncul, maka gempa ini adalah
    yang terbesar sepanjang sejarah bumi ini, karena gempa yang terjadi
    dalam dongeng Sodom dan Gomorah saja hanya berkisar kurang dari 8 SR.
    Dengan pemberitahuan ini sang pemburu gempa mengharapkan agar berita
    ini disebar luaskan sementara katanya pemerintah justru menutupi
    berita ini untuk mencegah kepanikan. Padahal menurut pemburu gempa
    ini, berita ini justru harus disebar luaskan sehingga masyarakat bisa
    mengadakan persiapan yang tidak akan menimbulkan kepanikan.

    Semoga rekan2 di Indonesia bisa menyebar luaskan berita ini sehingga
    persiapan2 yang diperlukan bisa dilakukan sesuai dengan petunjuk2 para
    ahli2 gempa dunia.

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