Dear all,

Please spread around and support the petition. This is not the way to lose
our heritage and intelectual property.

Go to http://www.petition rasasyge/ petition.
html<> to

If you want to see the malaysian version of the rasa sayang song that sparks
this controversy, you may do so by going to http://www.rasasaya
index.cfm <>

To:  Malaysian Government and Indonesian Government

Rasa Sayang song is a traditional song from Indonesia. It's originally come
from Maluku, and it's an old folk song.

Recently, Malaysian Tourism Board has taken the song and claimed as their
own heritage song, and even change the words of the song to portray
malaysian lifestyle.

We as an Indonesian people can not stand this unlawful event and hereby
request that Malaysia Tourism Board and the government of Malaysia to remove
the campaign from their website and their national and international
broadcast immediately, and to appologize to the people of Indonesia for
using one of their most treasured culture song.

We seek the good responsibility from the Malaysian government and to show a
good sportmanship by calling out all the campaign and publicly announce an
appology to the world for using a heritage song from Indonesia and claim it
as Malaysian intelectual property.


The Undersigned <>

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