From: Academy of International Business List On Behalf Of Trond Randøy

<[EMAIL PROTECTED] <trond.randoy%40UIA.NO>>

Four-year Ph.D. Scholarships in International Management - up to EURO
40,000 per year

University of Agder offers resident students in the established PhD
programme in International Management a four-year PhD scholarship. The
programme is designed for individuals of all nationalities seeking an
academic research and teaching career. The programme in International
Management focuses on issues related to international activities of
organizations - ranging from multinational firms to non-profit corporations.

In total up to 10 scholarships may be offered. All applicants are
considered for four-year research scholarships, of which there are two
categories: Scholarships of approximately EUR 20,000 annually, requiring
a minimum of two years of residency. Scholarships with 25% service
commitment, involving teaching, research and administrative tasks and
responsibilities, of approximately EUR 40,000 annually, requiring four
years of residency.

Further information - including application documents - is available at:

University of Agder, Faculty of Economics and Social Science,
Serviceboks 422, KRISTIANSAND, Norway

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