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Tony Mockeridge wrote:

 hi boxers

 well he's really hit the all time low this time. howard's rejection of
 reconciliation ensures we continue to live in a divided society .the
 abhorrent practises of apartheid are alive and well in howard country.
 howard's assertion that he cannot make one generation apologise for
 another's transgressions is just a sick pathetic excuse from a very sad
 sorry caricature of a leader.
 i seem to remember the vast majority of white australians i grew up
with in the sixties and seventies as savagely racist. a significant
number of these
 were involved in acts of physical harrassment and outright violence
against first australians and i certainly remember the queensland police
being extremely bigoted and violent in their treatment of any koori
unfortunate enough to come into their view on their nightly and daily
patrols of musgrave park and other stolen koori lands.
 no doubt a few of these upright citizens also found their way into the
 public service and from there organised the removal of children from
 families and  uprooting of people from  traditional lands to make way
 "development" and "progress."
 no mr howard, you are quite wrong it is this generation which has much
to be sorry for and it is people like you with your bigoted, arrogant
 narcissistic view of the world that allow australia's version of
 to continue.

 you are however, right in one thing mr howard, you should not
 apologise,no, you should prostrate yourself before the thousands of
 australians who continue to suffer under your disgraceful regime and
 in unity

 Tony Mockeridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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