Daily Mirror
April 26


Labour MP for Tower Hamlets

TWO weeks ago a letter arrived at my office at the House of Commons.

The minute I saw the stencilled lettering on the envelope marked "private and
personal", I almost knew what it would contain.

Inside it said: "Notice is hereby given that all non-whites and Jews must
permanently leave the British Isles. When the clock strikes midnight on
31-12-1999 the White Wolves will begin to howl. When the Wolves howl, the Wolves
hunt. You have been warned. Hail Britannia."

As a black, Jewish MP I took the threat seriously and passed the letter on to
Scotland Yard. I've had letters like this before, but I never thought such
threats would be carried out in such a way.

First Brixton and now Brick Lane, which is in my own constituency.

Yesterday, I was meant to be travelling to Kosovo. Instead, I was witnessing a
crude attempt at ethnic cleansing on my own doorstep.

The shock I felt is turning to extreme anger. But although the bomb shattered
property it has not ripped out the heart of the community, home to Britain's
largest Bangladeshi population.

This affects me not just because this is my constituency. It's also my home. I
have friends here, I go to the restaurants, I drink in the cafes.

Who knows what is going through the minds of the perpetrators, but I believe
it's a backlash against the Lawrence report, an effort to prevent any good
coming out of the inquiry which was a watershed in British race relations.

We must not let these people intimidate us. We have to act as one community and
to accept that community is a melting pot of cultures.

Our finest hour was against Nazis. The home-grown variety must not get away with
it either.

The response from the police to Saturday's events has proved they are now taking
the issue of racism seriously.

We've had assurances that the security of ethnic groups within our community is
now a priority of the Met, and there will be more police in ethnic minority

This affects us all, black and white. Bombs don't discriminate.

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