I think that how we relate to each other is the most important and defining relationship we humans have------wherever and whatever our roots may be---all our Aboriginalities are based on survival of the species, so we know that we all have  basically common indigenous backgrounds.
Laurie and Desley Forde  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-----Original Message-----
From: Trudy and Rod Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, April 30, 1999 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: [recoznet2] missed articles


I only know what it means for me. We all have to search and find meaning for ourselves. As I said before, it is more than genealogy and history. For me, it is also a matter of finding out where I link to Mother Earth - the place of my ancestors and how my ancestors honoured that link. It has more to do with rootedness and a spiritual journey than customs or culture that I follow now. I think it is probably different for each of us but the journey is important.


Bushranger Ned wrote:

 So Trudy in my own seraching I know that Im sixth generation Australian/Irish descent on my paternal side and 32nd generation English/Scottish descent on my maternal side ? Is that what your saying about my aboriginality?I have been doing my own geneology for a while now and cnt get back past the 6th generation of my fathers side but mums takes me back top David the first of Scotland year 996 AD. But I guess for me as was said before I do not have a culture because in the enforced shipment of people to Australia when the invaders came my ancestry was lost.  The irish, english and scottish backgrounds mean nothing to me more than a blood line and a reason for my skin colour and a reason for my health. Apart from that the owning part of me remembers the place I grew in my birth the bush the mulga trees the water of the creek the gums the animals that I guess for is all I have of my culture, the way my mum cooked tucker and the way my father did things. *(Whether I liked em or not).  ? Is this my way to understand ?Regards, Lance. 

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