This is forwarded from Reconnet with Peter Clayton's permission. I thought
others might like to read his excellent letter.


reconnet: reconciliation email network

Paul Canning has asked me to post my letter in this morning's Australian,
so here goes:

Rosemary Neill's articles (Focus 24-25/4, Focus Extra 26/4) and your
editorial (27/4) on the need for honest debate on the achievements and
shortcomings of indigenous self determination make a valuable contribution.

Unfortunately, such a debate requires political leadership of a calibre we
simply do not have.  It would involve listening to and including
alternative views - a process the Government has repeatedly demonstrated
itself to be unwilling or unable to use.

I have just received a letter from a federal Minister which again uses the
expression "applying laws equally for all Australians."  I believe this was
originally One Nation speak, used very successfully to manipulate the
gullible in Queensland.  John Howard, Nick Minchin and John Herron adopted
it during the Native Title Amendment Act debates.  It has become something
of a Coalition mantra.

It is, of course, rubbish.  Do we treat all Australians equally following
national disasters?  We most certainly do not, and nor should we.  It is
the Government's job to look after the devastated.

Is indigenous welfare a national disaster?  I believe it is by any measure.
 The Government's job is to look after those most affected, and to explain
to the rest of us why such action is necessary.  To hide behind platitudes
about treating everybody equally is worse than a lack of leadership.  It
treats us like simpletons and opens the way further to disadvantage the
already disadvantaged.

Peter Clayton
Neutral Bay

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