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>Hello All,
>At present the Montana Department of Livestock (MDOL) USA are slaughtering
buffalo which wander onto ranchers' grazing land in that state for about 3
months of the year. Over 3000 buffalo have been destroyed since 1985.
>The official reason for the slaughter is that they have tested positive for
Brucellosis antibodies.
>Brucellosis can be controlled by vaccination with Strain 19 Serum.
>The Native American community have been sending in petitions, holding
rallies, sit-ins, hunger strikes,
>and everything else at their means to stop this stupidity, to no avail.
>I am wondering if it would be a viable idea to bring some buffalo to
Australia for sanctuary on Australian Aboriginal land. 
>These buffalo being destroyed are the last of the free roaming wild herds.
>I need to know who to contact for permission to be given to use Australian
Aboriginal land.
>I have contacted a person at ATSIC  by e-mail but have had no response.
>Perhaps you can ask around for me so that I may write to them.
>Thanking you in anticipation
>Yours sincerely, 
>Lee A. Looby.
>(Native American Link)
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><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Hello Sarah,</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>At present the Montana Department of Livestock 
>(MDOL) USA are slaughtering buffalo which wander onto ranchers' grazing
land in 
>that state for about 3 months of the year. Over 3000 buffalo have been
>since 1985.</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>The official reason for the slaughter is that 
>they have tested positive for Brucellosis antibodies.</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Brucellosis can be controlled by vaccination 
>with Strain 19 Serum.</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=2>The Native American community have been sending in
>holding rallies, sit-ins, hunger strikes,</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=2>and everything else at their means to stop this
stupidity, to 
>no avail.</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=2>I am wondering if it would be a viable idea to bring some 
>buffalo to Australia for sanctuary on Australian Aboriginal 
><DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=2>These buffalo being destroyed are the last of the free
>wild herds.</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=2>I need to know who to contact for permission to be given to 
>use Australian Aboriginal land.</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=2>I have contacted a person at ATSIC&nbsp; by e-mail but have 
>had no response.</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=2></FONT><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Perhaps you can ask around 
>for me so that I may write to them.</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2></FONT><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Thanking you 
>in anticipation</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Yours sincerely, </FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>Lee A. Looby.</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2>(Native American Link)</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=2>y</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=2></FONT><FONT size=2>&nbsp;</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
><DIV><FONT color=#000000 size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV></BODY></HTML>

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