Sent: Tuesday, 18 May 1999 7:45
Subject: [recoznet2] Wilson Tuckey and THE SUB-MYTH OF SCIENCE

In the light of Mr Wilson Tuckey (Minister for Chainsaws and Woodchips), and his conservative State counterparts (various ministers for landscape desertification) alleging "science" as the basis for the continued rape of my grandchildren's and nation's natural inheritance; from S. J. O'Malley, I offer the following on "science" as a prop of the unscientific and otherwise ignorant....
All of this does not serve to say that scientific thought is of no use. I think that the areas of science, and the examples, visited by O'Malley are rather esoteric. Also, the secret of understanding any science is to know its limits; within what limits is a proposition true. As an example Newton's theories of gravity were true within limited contexts. These contexts were expanded by Einsteinian theories, theories that are still, piece by piece, being vindicated. Using the scientific method sunscreens were discovered, penicillan, tranistors, and etc. Scientific thought these days, as O'Malley's examples show, is moving more and more into levels of probability rather than black and white certainty. The Geenhouse effect may not be a scientific certainty, a situation 'siezed on' by vested interests especially polititians, but the probability of it occurring is increasing and set by some as high as 95%. The same may be said of the forests: maybe some of the impacts cannot be predicted with minute precision, but the chances of them occurring is pretty high.
Since Heisenberg, the scientific method has changed. Yes/no certainty is no longer the only end of science. Even the great Einstien in exasperation was heard to say 'God does not play dice' when confronted with the probabilities of Quantum theory, and he thereafter spent the rest of his life trying to regain certainty by disproving the theory. He did not succeed.
The scientific method is a very valuable form of logic (thinking) but it is not the only one. Works of art are concieved differently as is compassion, love and sensibility. Strangely for me as an Australian of European descent (I suspect?) I witnessed my Aboriginal friends in the Top End using what I would call scientific method in their hunting, gathering and etc. and they did not even have a word for 'Science'...
Ian J. Henderson        Tel: (08)94183972
24 Harfleur Place        Fax (08)94183972
Hamilton Hill                E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Western Australia, 6163
Freedom is having nothing left to fear. _____________________________________________ 

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