my compile commands are:
$g++ -c -I../include -O2 -I/usr/X11R6/include -I../FORMS File1.cpp
(same things for File2.cpp, File3.cpp ...)
$g++ File1.cpp File2.cpp ... Filex.cpp -o a.out -L../lib -lglut -lMesaGLU 
-lMesaGL -lm -L../FORMS -lforms -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/X11R6 -lX11 -LXext 
-lXmu -lXt -lXi -lSM -lICE
it says:
Sorry, no matching visuals found.
What is this? A palm pilot?

recall that I copied from what MesaGL's and xforms's Makefiles. Those two 
Makefiles works fine in each individuals.

the File1.cpp .. Filex.cpp works well in Unix system under sgi O2 machine 
because they are my class project.

I original thought I have too many options. so I tried the following 
shortest one:
$g++ -c File1.cpp
$g++ -c File2.cpp
$g++ -c Filex.cpp
$g++ -o a.out -L../FORMS -lforms -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11

it compiles fine as the longer one, but the result is the same as before:
Sorry, no matching visuals found.
What is this? A palm pilot?

I wonder if it's my vedio card's problem, or the version of the 
X11(, MesaGL(2/6), or Xforms(0.89)'s problems.

what does "matching visuals" mean?

did I miss any options I shouldn't miss?
well, it compiles well; it's not my codes' problems. I have focus on it for 
a long time but I have no clue what is going on.

can somebody help me?
Thankx very much.
>From Alan.

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