OK, it seems that I have my card configured, but aparently not... right now 
I'm running a dual boot with windows 2000 because I cannot get on the 
internet using RedHat... I have all of the TCP/IP settings up and correct. 
 My ethernet card (AMD PCnet home adapter) is supposed to be supported but 
it is not acting like it... When I ping out, I get a return, "Destination 
Host Unreachable."  when I ping to my own ethernet IP it works fine.  There 
are no packets even leaving my machine, because there are no indications of 
any activity on my modem (cable modem) - even if I ping with 10K packets... 
the lights never show any traffic at all.  has anyone had this problem and 
if so, how did you fix it?
Thanks, Keef

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