RedHat has a habit of moving HOWTO's that are old and
unmaintained into an "unmaintained" directory with the
distribution.  I just found a candidate that should be moved
there as well unless it has been updated recently.

The 3dfx-HOWTO is horribly out of date, covers only up to the
Voodoo II card.  In addition it claims that GLIDE is proprietary,
and the source is only available under NDA.  I am almost certain
that I've read about 3dfx releasing GLIDE as open source sometime
this or last year, and supporting the linux community...

At any rate, the HOWTO is obsolete, and should either be updated
or moved to the unmaintained pile.

Just keeping an eye on things.  ;o)

Mike A. Harris                                     Linux advocate     
Computer Consultant                                  GNU advocate  
Capslock Consulting                          Open Source advocate

... Our continuing mission: To seek out knowledge of C, to explore
strange UNIX commands, and to boldly code where no one has man page 4.

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