Levente Farkas wrote:

> one thing which always wrong is some daemon not suuported by rh. the main
> problem es sendmail. it'd be nice to try to detect some well-known mta
> like qmial, postfix ... currently after an update sendmail is installed
> in any case (if I know well you can't unselect it even in expert mode,

Sendmail must be die }:-). Zmailer or Postix are better MTA.
Qmail is not free-free, you can not put a binary qmail package into a 
distribution. And l-k run with Zmailer ;-)

> but it's true at least in normal modes). which result if you have a
> qmail, postfix... installed on the system, the /usr/sbin/sendmail (from
> the new sendmail package) overwrite the old one. and it's quite hard
> to recognise (after some version it can be a routine..when you see mta

# rpm -e --nodeps `rpm -qa | grep -i sendmail`

postfix and Zmailer are sendmail compatibles with a 'sendmail'

> is not working). now that even rh support (in powertools) postfix at
> least that version (but I'd be happy if others too).

Zmailer please, get a .spec from -> http://perso.wanadoo.es/xose/

> I thing the same problem with the wu* stuff (which IMHO whould be useful
> to eliminate in any case, and I see cyrus in powertools:-) and may be
> with some other daemon. I see it's not an easy think and it requires

WU imap-pop-ftp are bombs. Why not proftpd, the 1.2.0 should be out
this week.
There are some popd very nice, gnu-pop3d , solid-pop3d and
perdition proxy mail for very high load pop3d.
don't forget a webmail program!

Rh power_users need  more industrial distribution:
- mtx , for suport tape library
- http://linux.msede.com/ext2 , growing a filesystem 
- best compile options into rpmrc ???
- a best instalation, with more options. Minimal: only the 
  basic (130M). ALL: all. Why not put a anaconda option to read a
  list of rpm to install from a floppy like the kickstart ?
- crypto software into rhlinux europe version 
  ftp://ftp.redhat.de/pub/rh-addons/security/ is a very good place.
  free/swan ...
- global file system, http://www.globalfilesystem.org/
  the net is the hard_disk(c)
- VALINUX Enhancements http://www.valinux.com/software/vaload/6.2/
  http://www.linuxnetworx.com/ Enhancements .....  enhancements
  of all industrial redhat based distributions.
- updated all packages to the last _stable_ version.
- more secure, do not run daemons (inet:finger,ftp ... apache) by
  default. A proxy support ( Sinus_firewall aka sifi) 

And, why not put a "kernel_hacker" rpm's( lvm,...) for the last stable
distribution to support the l-k people? 

regards and thanks,

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