On Sun, 9 Jul 2000, Hal Burgiss wrote:

>> > RedHat has a habit of moving HOWTO's that are old and
>> > unmaintained into an "unmaintained" directory with the
>> > distribution.
>> No, we don't (AFAIK) - we distribute the LDP HOWTOs as is. They decide
>> which are old and unmaintained, and which are not - I suggest you
>> contact them. http://www.linuxdoc.org shoud give more information. 
>Yes, this is a LDP classification. HOWTOs are assumed to be maintained
>unless the author notifies LDP otherwise. Or, it is somehow brought to
>their attention such as repeated mails to the author bounce, etc. Even
>then, I get the feeling there is not a ready procedure for classifying
>something as 'unmaintained' short of the author declaring such.
>I just went thru this with a couple of other HOWTOs FWIW. I am
>thinking of updating them. In fact, if I can get the tools to install
>right, I will. 

Ok, great!

Mike A. Harris                                     Linux advocate     
Computer Consultant                                  GNU advocate  
Capslock Consulting                          Open Source advocate

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