On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Thomas Dodd wrote:

>I can think of two good choices.
>1) convert the zip file to a tarred and gziped
>   file. Then add it to the Source list, so you
>   have 2 source files
>2) make a patch file that will change the dummy
>   crypt file to the real ones. Put that in the
>   spec file under patches.
>Is the source file in the original rpm a zip or tar/gzip
>archive? Last reseort that isn't very portable
>unzip /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/zcrypt28.zip
>What the $RPM_??? variable that points to /usr/src/redhat ?
>unzip ${RPM_SOURCE_DIR}/zcrypt28.zip
>The %prep does a 'cd ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}' for you.

Thanks, I got it working yesterday via advice many people sent,
and a bit of reading (Maximum RPM)...

The solution was similar to what you suggested above at the
bottom.  I had to add another source line to the top, and put the
RPM_SOURCE_DIR thingie in with the -o option to overwrite
files.  A few other minor tweaks and it builds fine.  Same for
the 'zip' package.  Anyone wanting the .spec files, just ask for
them.  The spec has the URL of where to get the zcrypt archive as
well, so building your own RPMs should be easy.

Since I noticed RH 6.2 has some encryption support due to the
USA's relaxation of crypto laws, it would be nice if they did an
audit of all applications on the distro that have potential
crypto capabilities, and enabled as much of this type of support
as possible.  Including OpenSSH, or some form of ssh, and various
other common crypto tools would be fantastic.  FreeS/WAN (IPSec
implementation) support would also be nice, but only as an addon
package, not built into the standard kernels shipped.

I'm sure that something like this will occur for RH 6.3 or 7.0
though if I know RH well enough from past history.

Take care,

Mike A. Harris                                     Linux advocate     
Computer Consultant                                  GNU advocate  
Capslock Consulting                          Open Source advocate

... Our continuing mission: To seek out knowledge of C, to explore
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