On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, kenneth topp wrote:

>  1) no jdk works (tried 4 of them)

Which ones? gcc-java/libgcj seems to work.

>  2) xmms doesn't "read info on load" anymore (this is with 1.2.x compiled
>     under rawhide, not rh6.x compiled versions).

Did you try the actual xmms version from rawhide?

>  3) cannot build latest modutils (version 2.3.12)

Can't reproduce it here, 2.3.12 is in the devel tree as of today and
compiled without problems on anything but ia64 (which I fixed).

>  4) Never unmounts "/" cleanly

Doesn't happen here - are you getting any error messages/syslog entries?

>  5) Cannot boot 2.4.0-test3 (compiles fine enough)

Don't use gcc 2.96 to compile a kernel. It won't work.
We're providing egcs just for that reason.

> Also, is this list still alive?


>  And why have all the web archives for all
> redhat lists stopped as of Feb2000?

Guess someone messed up - I'm forwarding this to IT.


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