> Not sure this is quite the correct forum but anyway ...
> How come the latest kernel security update [RHSA-2001:013-05] does not
> include a kernel-headers-2.2.17-14.*.rpm package.  The notice says get the
> previous kernel-headers-2.2.16-3 package but that does not exist on
> ftp.redhat.com.
> Is this deliberate policy by Red Hat or an oversite?
> I am trying to recompile/relink the loadable kernel modules for VMware but
> it complains my current kernel-headers-2.2.16-3 (saved from the last
> update) don't match my kernel-2.2.17-14.  Do I now need to download
> RPMS/kernel-source-2.2.17-14.i386.rpm or
> SRPMS/kernel-source-2.2.17-14.src.rpm to get the correct
> /usr/src/linux/include?

The correct kernel headers to have in place are those used to compile your glibc. You 
do not want other kernel headers. Ever. Not even if you run a 2.5 kernel on RHL 6.0.

Additionally, you should not put the kernel source in /usr/src/linux because (prior to 
RHL 7.x) that stuffs up the kernel headers.

John Summerfield
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