Dominik Mierzejewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How do I submit such things to RedHat developers?

You can submit it to bugzilla as an RFE, or just mail the developer
who last did something to the package (look in the changelog). Or just
post here...
> Specifically, I have built many packages for myself based on RH spec
> files but using new versions of software, for example:
> postfix-20010222
> tin-1.5.8

We're generally not interested in changes like that...  of course, you
can send a mail to the developer telling him (no female developers in
the OS Engineering group) that a new version is available. Sometimes,
it might have been overlooked (especially for low profile packages),
most of the time it hasn't been upgraded it's for one of these reasons:

1) it's buggier than what we have
2) it would break binary compatibility
3) the new version was released (or noticed...) too late in the
   development cycle to upgrade unless absolutely necesarry, as the
   work is focused on stabilizing the whole distribution.

> I know there is, but only non-distribution packages
> should go there, right?

I don't think that's a policy, but I would recommend users to stay
away from those and use our packages :)

> (Do any of the developers look there anyway?).

I don't.
Trond Eivind Glomsrød
Red Hat, Inc.

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