Got a challenging routing problem, and perhaps some of you can help me.

The network is as follows.
We have 12 "standalone" nodes with wireless lan cards. The nodes are placed on a line, and the average distance between each node is 400 meters. With good wireless cards, that means that we can reach two or three node neighbours on each side of a node. (the nodes will be placed in the middle of nowhere, security is not the issue since the biggest security risk will be the ice and polar bears. This also means that putting up tp-wires is not an option)

on each side of the line of nodes, there will be a server. There will only be people at the first server (beside the first node) The nodes will be collecting data, and we want to transfer the data to the server beside the first node. But we also want to be able to telnet into each of the nodes to be able to do maintainance (so we don't have to use a snow-mobile and get very cold each time there is a problem on one of the nodes)

Any ideas on how to make a "good enough" network, enabeling us to communicate between the nods and the servers?

regards Asbjørn

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