I've reviewed the document draft-ietf-regext-rdap-object-tag in preparation for placing it into IETF last call. The mechanism and document generally look good
and useful; however, I have some concerns about its URL synthesis.

The mechanical synthesis of URLs as described in this document contravenes the
requirements of BCP 190, section 2.3. Ordinarily, I would consider this a
showstopper and ask the working group to adjust handling to match BCP 190
requirements (e.g., using RFC 6570 URI Templates). Because this specification simply builds upon RFC 7484 techniques for performing URI synthesis, however,
forcing such a change would result in an incongruity that I understand might
cause deployment issues.

Nonetheless, I request that the working group consider whether the use of
something like RFC 6570 would be appropriate for the mechanism described this document. Please also understand that other area directors may note and object
to this type of URL synthesis during IESG processing. Chairs: please let me
know when you believe working group consideration of this issue is complete.


I also have one question about an example in section 2:

>  For example, if the base RDAP URL
>  "https://example.com/rdap/"; is associated with service provider
>  "YYYY" in an IANA registry, an RDAP client will parse a tagged entity
>  identifier "XXXX-YYYY" into distinct handle ("XXXX") and service
>  provider ("YYYY") identifiers.  The service provider identifier
>  "YYYY" is used to query an IANA registry to retrieve the base RDAP
>  URL "https://example.com/rdap/".  The base RDAP URL is concatenated
>  to the entity handle to create a complete RDAP query path segment of
>  "https://example.com/rdap/entity/XXXX-YYYY";.

I read the text as calling for implementors to concatenate "XXXX-YYYY" to the end of the IANA-registered base URL ("https://example.com/rdap/";), resulting in
"https://example.com/rdap/XXXX-YYYY";. The example instead shows
"https://example.com/rdap/entity/XXXX-YYY";. Is the inclusion of "entity/" in
this example an error?

Thanks for the work everyone has done on this document.


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