
Thank you for your review and feedback.  I provide responses to your feedback 
embedded below.


James Gould
Fellow Engineer 

12061 Bluemont Way
Reston, VA 20190 <>

On 4/19/21, 7:57 AM, "Robert Wilton via Datatracker" <> wrote:

    Robert Wilton has entered the following ballot position for
    draft-ietf-regext-secure-authinfo-transfer-06: No Objection

    When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
    email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
    introductory paragraph, however.)

    Please refer to
    for more information about DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.

    The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:



    Thanks for this document.

    I found it hard to understand what is actually being transferred in the
    title/abstract.  Perhaps this could be expanded a little to help readers who
    are not familiar with EPP.

JG - EPP supports an extensible set of objects that can be transferred between 
registrars, but the most important object defined is domain names.  How about 
extending the first sentence to provide a little bit more clarity as in "The 
Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP), in RFC 5730, defines the use of 
authorization information to authorize a transfer of an EPP object, such as a 
domain name, between clients that are referred to as registrars".  Providing 
what is being transferred and between whom may help things out.  Do you agree 
and do you have any recommendations to help non-EPP readers?   This could be 
updated in the abstract and the introduction.    

    I don't feel particularly strongly on this point, but when reviewing this
    document, I was wondering whether this document wouldn't be better 
published as
    informational rather than stds track, given that it seems to describe an
    operational practice of how an existing protocol (EPP) should be used.

JG - The working group had a thorough discussion around the track of the draft, 
which started out a BCP and moved to standards track.  The practice is relevant 
to the protocol, which does include signaling by the client and the server with 
defined behavior expectations, so standards track is the appropriate track.  


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