
Thank for posting -06.  I have reviewed the draft and updated the 
implementation of it.  Below is my feedback:

  1.  Nit - The last example in section is mislabeled and should be 
“Example host <info> response…”.  Also, do you want the TTL value for the “A” 
record to match that of the Policy Mode example with a value of “172800” 
instead of “3600”?
  2.  Nit – In section 1.3, change “used to by clients” to “used by clients”
  3.  Nit – In section 1.3, change “It has a single OPTIONAL attribute, policy, 
which takes a boolean value with a default value of false” to “It has a single 
OPTIONAL “policy” attribute, which is a boolean value with a default value of 
  4.  Section 2.1.1
     *   Recommend using the upper case for the modes, as in Default Mode and 
Policy Mode and then introduce the modes via their upper-case form, as in:

                                                               i.      The EPP 
<info> command is extended to support two different modes: the Default Mode 
(Section and the Policy Mode (section  The Default Mode 
requests the inclusion of all non-default TTL values in the response. The 
Policy Mode requests the inclusion of TTL information for all supported DNS 
record types in the response, with the minimum value, default value, and 
maximum value.

  1.  Section
     *   Use the upper-case “Default Mode” for the title
     *   Update the first paragraph to reduce the number of which’s, as in:

                                                               i.      If a 
server receives an <info> command for a domain or host object which includes a 
<ttl:info> element with a “policy” attribute value of “0” or “false”, the EPP 
<response> MUST contain an <extension> <ttl:infData> element containing 
<ttl:ttl> records for all that DNS record types that have non-default TTL 
values.  The <ttl:ttl> elements MUST NOT have the “min”, “default”, and “max” 

                                                             ii.      NOTE – 
I’m unclear why the exclusion of the “min”, “default” and “max” elements is a 
SHOULD NOT instead of a MUST NOT.  I believe it’s best to make it clear that 
the Default Mode must not include the policy elements.  I don’t believe there 
is the need to define the exclusion of the “policy” attribute, since the 
default value of “false” will cover the absence use case.

  1.  Section
     *   Use the upper-case “Policy Mode” for the title
     *   Update the first paragraph to reduce the number of which’s, as in:

                                                               i.      If a 
server receives an <info> command for a domain or host object which includes a 
<ttl:info> element with a “policy” attribute value of “1” or “true”, the EPP 
<response> MUST contain an <extension> <ttl:infData> element containing 
<ttl:ttl> records for all supported DNS record types, irrespective of whether 
those record types are in use by the object.  The <ttl:ttl> elements MUST have 
the “min”, “default”, and “max” elements.

  1.  Section
     *   I believe this section can be removed, since the extension covers when 
it must be included and doesn’t need to cover when it must not be included.




James Gould

Fellow Engineer 


12061 Bluemont Way

Reston, VA 20190 <>

On 3/1/24, 7:52 AM, "regext on behalf of Gavin Brown" < 
<> on behalf of 
<>> wrote:

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is safe.

Hi all,

This new version reflects feedback received including Jim's regarding the 
server behaviour when processing <info> commands.

Two "modes" are defined: the default mode and the "policy" mode:

* default mode (<ttl:info> absent or with policy=false): include <ttl> elements 
for non-default values only, no min/default/max

* policy mode (<ttl:info> present with policy=true): include <ttl> elements for 
all supported record types with min/default/max attributes.

Please review!


> On 1 Mar 2024, at 12:23, 
> <> wrote:


> Internet-Draft draft-ietf-regext-epp-ttl-06.txt is now available. It is a work

> item of the Registration Protocols Extensions (REGEXT) WG of the IETF.


> Title: Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) mapping for DNS Time-To-Live 
> (TTL) values

> Author: Gavin Brown

> Name: draft-ietf-regext-epp-ttl-06.txt

> Pages: 29

> Dates: 2024-03-01


> Abstract:


> This document describes an extension to the Extensible Provisioning

> Protocol (EPP) that allows EPP clients to manage the Time-To-Live

> (TTL) value for domain name delegation records.


> About this draft


> This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.


> The source for this draft, and an issue tracker, may can be found at

> <;!!PtGJab4!6oxU9A5-atpTHqbcKZW8zvG5Z51EtyHQl1C8sE6Daaz4T4_PWZeCfXoLiAL6X_Ro4QkyR-NC2qnYK8spQGhPW-KVAnFZMHl3eg$>
>  [github[.]com].


> The IETF datatracker status page for this Internet-Draft is:

> <;!!PtGJab4!6oxU9A5-atpTHqbcKZW8zvG5Z51EtyHQl1C8sE6Daaz4T4_PWZeCfXoLiAL6X_Ro4QkyR-NC2qnYK8spQGhPW-KVAnG3a-VFYg$>
>  [datatracker[.]ietf[.]org]


> There is also an HTMLized version available at:

> <;!!PtGJab4!6oxU9A5-atpTHqbcKZW8zvG5Z51EtyHQl1C8sE6Daaz4T4_PWZeCfXoLiAL6X_Ro4QkyR-NC2qnYK8spQGhPW-KVAnG_sMjJ6A$>
>  [datatracker[.]ietf[.]org]


> A diff from the previous version is available at:

> <>
>  [author-tools[.]ietf[.]org]


> Internet-Drafts are also available by rsync at:




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> <;!!PtGJab4!6oxU9A5-atpTHqbcKZW8zvG5Z51EtyHQl1C8sE6Daaz4T4_PWZeCfXoLiAL6X_Ro4QkyR-NC2qnYK8spQGhPW-KVAnGYxjBlwg$>
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Gavin Brown

Principal Engineer, Global Domains & Strategy

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)


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