I'm having another problem when running reiser4 on top of software raid 0 

I can work the filesystem fine (mount, copy, create, delete, move, etc...) - 
even big ammount of data (> 3Gb) as a separate (non / - root folder) 
filesystem. But if I try to mount this filesystem as the root filesystem I get 
a segmentation fault in the init script (in the process to update the /etc/mtab 
file (line 413 Fedora Core 5 init script). The line "mount -f /" goes fine; but 
the line "mount -f /proc" generates the error)...

The same procedure with a ext3 filesystem goes fine, so apparently it's not the 
init script, neither the software raid or the kernel ( with 2.6.16-4 
reiser4 patch)

Any ideas?


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