Hi to the group,

I've been following the acronyms thread - somewhat off subject but I learned a 

So it appears that repeater-builder lets the authors deviate from the original 
subject matter.

I guess that even though my subject isn't directly related to the topic of 
repeater building, it will probably have some good comments by the 3600+ list 

I need to buy a good GPS navigational unit for my work.  There are the major 
players, like garwin and tomtom, to name a few.

Can any one give me some good advice on what to buy?  What's good, bad, 
indifferent out there?  What are some good features that the units have that 
you have / like?

Majority of good reviews win.  I buy that unit.

Don't let me down - I'm counting on you guys.


Don, KD9PT

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