I've run into a problem that baffles me.  

I have two sets of WACOM WP-641 4 can Duplexers. They have been tuned
to TX on 146.96 mHz and RX on 146.36.  One set was tuned in a
Professional Lab, the other I tuned myself.  They tune very well with
excellent rejection ~90db.  When I duplex into a dummy load running
100W, I can inject a signal with an iso-tee and there is vertually
zero desense to the receiver.  When I hook it to an antenna it
instantly experiences 30db of receiver desense. I can lower the power
to 3 watts or less and still have 20db desense. I have a GE Mastr II
repeater, but I've used a separate Transmitter and receiver and
experience the same results.

I'm using double shielded RG214 for testing. I've also used 1/2"
heliax for testing from the duplexer to the antenna.  I've used 3
different antennas.  2 different colinear and a j-pole. The antennas
all have less than a watt reflected out of 65W forward.  I've used
separate antennas on the TX and RX Cans with the same results.  When I
terminate either TX or RX into the dummy load the desense disappears.
 It appears that when the reactive component is introduced everything
goes to pot.

It doesn't make any sense to me.  Any Ideas?  I'm stumpted.. :-(


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