On Jun 17, 2008, at 9:47 AM, Jens Dueholm Christensen wrote:

> So far so good, however this also appears in resin-stderr.log at the  
> same time:
> [2008-06-17 16:28:01.507]Exception in thread "resin-select-manager"  
> java.io.IOException: failed to add EPOLL for pipe=47 (errno=-1)
> [2008-06-17 16:28:01.508]       at  
> com.caucho.server.port.JniSelectManager.initNative(Native Method)
> [2008-06-17 16:28:01.508]       at  
> com.caucho.server.port.JniSelectManager.run(JniSelectManager.java:274)
> [2008-06-17 16:28:01.508]       at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java: 
> 619)

Can you try setting keepalive-select-enable="false" in the <server>:

<resin ...>
   <cluster id="">
     <server id="">
       <http port="80"/>

I believe your older Linux version doesn't correctly support EPOLL,  
which the select manager uses to handle keepalives.

-- Scott

> Then upon accessing the site this appears in logs/resin-stdout.log:
> [2008-06-17 16:28:18.377][16:28:18.377] Tcp[results_test,0] failed  
> keepalive (select)
> [2008-06-17 16:28:32.685][16:28:32.684] Tcp[results_test,1] failed  
> keepalive (select)
> [2008-06-17 16:28:32.705][16:28:32.705] Tcp[results_test,2] failed  
> keepalive (select)
> [2008-06-17 16:28:32.725][16:28:32.725] Tcp[results_test,3] failed  
> keepalive (select)
> [2008-06-17 16:28:32.754][16:28:32.754] Tcp[results_test,4] failed  
> keepalive (select)
> [2008-06-17 16:28:32.785][16:28:32.784] Tcp[results_test,5] failed  
> keepalive (select)
> [2008-06-17 16:28:32.825][16:28:32.825] Tcp[results_test,6] failed  
> keepalive (select)
> .. and the site changes between a 503-error page (as if the site  
> isn't started) and a working site (using refresh in the browser a  
> few times), so it's obviously not working as it should.
> This is my resin.conf:
> <resin xmlns="http://caucho.com/ns/resin"; 
> xmlns:resin="http://caucho.com/ns/resin/core 
> ">
>  <management>
>    <user name="xxx" password="xxxx"/>
>  </management>
>  <stdout-log path="/usr/local/www/results_test/logs/resin- 
> stdout.log" timestamp="[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%s]" rollover-period="1D"/>
>  <stderr-log path="/usr/local/www/results_test/logs/resin- 
> stderr.log" timestamp="[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%s]" rollover-period="1D"/>
>  <log name="" level="config" path="stdout:" timestamp="[%H:%M:%S.%s]  
> "/>
>  <logger name="com.caucho.java" level="config"/>
>  <logger name="com.caucho.loader" level="config"/>
>  <thread-pool>
>    <thread-max>150</thread-max>
>    <spare-thread-min>5</spare-thread-min>
>  </thread-pool>
>  <cluster id="web">
>    <server-default>
>      <jvm-arg>-Xmn32m</jvm-arg>
>      <jvm-arg>-Xms64m</jvm-arg>
>      <jvm-arg>-Xmx512m</jvm-arg>
>      <jvm-arg>-server</jvm-arg>
>      <jvm-arg>-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow</jvm-arg>
>    </server-default>
>    <server id="results_test" address="" port="6875">
>      <watchdog-port>7875</watchdog-port>
>      <keepalive-max>100</keepalive-max>
>      <keepalive-timeout>30s</keepalive-timeout>
>      <bind-ports-after-start>true</bind-ports-after-start>
>    </server>
>    <ignore-client-disconnect>true</ignore-client-disconnect>
>    <host id="" root-directory="/usr/local/www/results_test">
>      <class-loader>
>         <compiling-loader path="site/WEB-INF/classes"/>
>         <library-loader path="site/WEB-INF/lib"/>
>      </class-loader>
>      <access-log path="/usr/local/www/results_test/logs/resin- 
> access.log" format='%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User- 
> Agent}i"' rollover-period="1D"/>
>      <stdout-log path="/usr/local/www/results_test/logs/resin-web- 
> stdout.log" timestamp="[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%s]" rollover-period="1D"/>
>      <stderr-log path="/usr/local/www/results_test/logs/resin-web- 
> stderr.log" timestamp="[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%s]" rollover-period="1D"/>
>      <web-app id="/" document-directory="site">
>        <resin:import path="WEB-INF/web.xml"/>
>        <session-config>
>          <session-max>16384</session-max>
>          <enable-cookies>true</enable-cookies>
>          <enable-url-rewriting>true</enable-url-rewriting>
>        </session-config>
>        <servlet servlet-name="resin-file" servlet- 
> class="com.caucho.servlets.FileServlet"/>
>        <servlet servlet-name="resin-jsp" servlet- 
> class="com.caucho.jsp.JspServlet">
>          <init>
>            <load-tld-on-init>false</load-tld-on-init>
>            <page-cache-max>1024</page-cache-max>
>          </init>
>          <load-on-startup/>
>        </servlet>
>        <!-- invoker servlet for all standard WebPages and  
> WebCommands-->
>        <servlet-mapping url-pattern="/servlet/*" servlet- 
> name="invoker"/>
>        <servlet-mapping url-pattern="*.jsp" servlet-name="resin-jsp"/>
> ... context params removed...
>       </web-app>
>    </host>
>  </cluster>
> </resin>
> I've looked at http://bugs.caucho.com/view.php?id=2555 
> <http://bugs.caucho.com/view.php?id=2555 
> >  (first and almost onle relevant hit when googling for "resin  
> failed keepalive" and variations) and tried to add the <keepalive- 
> select-max>-tag, but to no avail (and I can't seem to find any  
> documentation on that tag?).
> I think it's somehow related to the Exception in resin-select- 
> manager at startup, but I'm not sure, and googling that error turns  
> nothing up, so I'm lost on what to try..
> I build resin with the following line:
> $ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_03
> $ ./configure --enable-jni --enable-ssl --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs -- 
> prefix=/usr/local/resin/resin-pro-3.1.6
> and the output from the configure script does say:
> checking for JNI in /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_03/include/linux ... found
> Ideas are appriciated - the same resin.conf and configure-arguments  
> (apart from --enable-64bit) works fine on a new production-ready  
> server running RHEL5.2 (2.6.18-92) and JDK1.6.0_05.
> Regards,
> Jens Dueholm Christensen
> Rambøll Survey IT
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