Github user skonto commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: pom.xml ---
    @@ -760,6 +760,12 @@
    +      <dependency>
    --- End diff --
    @felixcheung (sorry for the delayed answer), @mccheah  a few 
    a) If not mistaken Java 9 has introduced the related interfaces, so rx-java 
might not be needed in the future.
    b) Some more scala centric implementations:  [akka 
 instead, a Reactive Streams and JDK 9+ java.util.concurrent.Flow-compliant 
implementation. This does not depend on rx-java.
    Also there is [monix] (, and 
(RxScala)[] seems outdated. A comparison 
between monix and others 
    One question is how about performance at scale when you get events from 
hundreds of executors at once which framework should work best? Should we worry 
about this? 
    Rx-java is light but also monix might be light at the end of the day or 
akka streams, although its purpose goes beyond observables etc.
    c) I built the distro from the PR, so rxjava-2.1.13.jar, 
reactive-streams-1.0.2.jar are added to the jars. Spark core does not seem to 
have any classes in it.


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