Github user skonto commented on a diff in the pull request: --- Diff: pom.xml --- @@ -760,6 +760,12 @@ <version>1.10.19</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> + <dependency> --- End diff -- @felixcheung (sorry for the delayed answer), @mccheah a few thoughts/observations: a) If not mistaken Java 9 has introduced the related interfaces, so rx-java might not be needed in the future. b) Some more scala centric implementations: [akka streams]( instead, a Reactive Streams and JDK 9+ java.util.concurrent.Flow-compliant implementation. This does not depend on rx-java. Also there is [monix] (, and (RxScala)[] seems outdated. A comparison between monix and others (here)[]. One question is how about performance at scale when you get events from hundreds of executors at once which framework should work best? Should we worry about this? Rx-java is light but also monix might be light at the end of the day or akka streams, although its purpose goes beyond observables etc. c) I built the distro from the PR, so rxjava-2.1.13.jar, reactive-streams-1.0.2.jar are added to the jars. Spark core does not seem to have any classes in it.
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