On Thu, 17 Jul 2003, Michael Redinger wrote:

> On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Lance Davis wrote:
> > I have been working on similar for a little while, but based on building
> > on rh7.2, to avoid any possibility of license problems ...
> I don't think there are any licensing problems as long as you rebuild
> everything - including the installer.
> However, you must not redistribute it, it's only for your (your company's)
> use. See RHAT's "Trademark Guidelines and Policies":
> http://www.redhat.com/about/corporate/trademark/

Surely as long as you conform to those guidelines, eg dont call it 
'Redhat' etc , and build everything from gpl source then there is no 

> > One thing that strikes me is that some of the srpms, in particular the ibm 
> > jdk stuff are not open source and are clearly licensed commercially as 
> > part of rhel, you cannot use them without purchasing them as part of rhel 
> > and they therefore must be removed from any rebuild, vene if it is only 
> > for your own use.
> Hm, are you it must be removed? The Red Hat SRPMS directory includes the
> IBMJava2* SRPMs. So I thought this shouldn't be a problem ...

But the license is commercial and per computer :(


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