On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 10:42:20PM +0100, Josep M. wrote:
> Did You installed taroon with the "All Packages" option? These option install more 
> packages than 
> install all others options together,and maybe if you didn´t installed with this 
> option maybe have some

On my RHEL-3-WS with the "All Packages" option I've been able to rebuild
all but:
at-3.1.8-46.src.rpm               gnome-media-
comps-3as-0.20031007.src.rpm      gnome-python2-1.99.14-5.src.rpm
comps-3es-0.20031007.src.rpm      gstreamer-plugins-0.6.0-14.src.rpm
comps-3ws-0.20031007.src.rpm      gtkam-0.1.7-6.src.rpm
ghostscript-7.05-32.1.8.src.rpm   nautilus-media-0.2.1-5.1E.src.rpm
gimp-1.2.3-20.1.src.rpm           redhat-config-language-1.0.14-2.src.rpm
gimp-data-extras-1.2.0-8.src.rpm  rpmdb-redhat-3-0.20031007.src.rpm
gimp-print-4.2.4-5.src.rpm        sane-frontends-1.0.9-2.src.rpm
The gimps are depending on Gtk-Perl which isn't available in the
SRPMS, and Gtk-Perl-0.7008-31.src.rpm from RH9 is again depending
on older libglade-devel, gtkhtml-devel and gal-devel.

A few of the others gives build errors.

So rigth now I'm stuck. Has anybody successfully rebuild the
whole of RHEL-3?

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