> I just did the uninstall rpmdb-redhat fix for it to build properly. Let me
> know the exact lines to fix in the SPEC file, once you know. Thanks.
> - Kris Jordan -

rpmdb-redhat.spec :

mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{rpmdbpath}
mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/rpm

cat > ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/rpm/macros.solve <<EOF
#       The path to the dependency universe database. The default value
#       is the rpmdb-redhat location. The macro is usually defined in
#       /etc/rpm/macros.solve, installed with the rpmdb-redhat package.
%_solve_dbpath /usr/lib/rpmdb/%{_arch}-%{_vendor}-%{_os}/redhat

#       The path to the dependency universe packages. This should
#       be a path to the packages contained in the solve database.
%_solve_pkgsdir /mnt/redhat/test/latest-i386/RedHat/RPMS/

#       The output binary package file name template used when suggesting
#       binary packages that solve a dependency. The macro is usually defined
#       in /etc/rpm/macros.solve, installed with the rpmdb-redhat package.
# XXX   Note: escaped %%% for use in headerSprintf()


%_solve_dbpath     ->  %%_solve_dbpath
%_solve_pkgsdir    ->  %%_solve_pkgsdir
%_solve_name_fmt   ->  %%_solve_name_fmt
%{?_solve_pkgsdir} ->  %%{?_solve_pkgsdir}

Hope this helps

        Igor Poteryaev

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