Since many of these are security fixes, I've put them in my 'updates'
repository.  I had a test 'update1' repository up Saturday PM, and I'm
releasing to updates, well, right now. ;-)

Dunno yet whether I'll bother re-spinning ISO's; if lots of folks yell
about it, I will.


On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 11:18, MJang wrote:
> Folks,
> Wondering what folks (cAos, whitebox, taolinux) have in mind, now that RHEL 3 has 
> released its first quarterly update. Seems like a
> substantial number of packages.
> I guess there are three straightforward options:
> 1) Revise the reubuilt ISOs
> 2) Create a new "update" ISO
> 3) Set up yum type repositories
> Thanks,
> Mike
> rhel-rebuild mailing list
> Hosted at the University of Innsbruck, Austria

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