Hi Lars,

the way you typically do this is showed in this example:

http://rifers.org/07_authentication/src/implementations/tutorial/ authentication/Credentials.java.html

As you can see, the LOGIN_BOX element has a submission that once it's sent will cause the implementation to activate the "logout" exit. This exit goes to a "passthrough" logout element, which after execution snaps back to the LOGIN_BOX element. As far as the engine is concerned, this is a new request and the LOGIN_BOX element will halt at the authentication again.

You can find more information about snapbacks here:

I hope this helps,


On 6-dec-05, at 12:33, Lars Grupe wrote:


I have a problem to show the right template, when the logout is called
from a embedded object.
The embedded object shows a link that points to a submission of the
embedded object.
The exit of the submission points to the following 'LOGOUT' object, that
does the logout and snaps back to the processElement method of the
embedded object.

    <element id="LOGOUT" file="rife/logout/passthrough/database.xml">
                <property name="datasource">

        <flowlink srcexit="logged_out" snapback="true"/>

So far so good. My problem is that after the logout the user should see
the login page again.
But I need a reload, so that the main object (not the embedded)
recognizes the logout.
What should I change in my architecture?

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