Geert Bevin wrote:
That's not necessarily true, you can have both a RIFE and a Spring application running side-to-side in the same web application. If you use the ParticipantSpringWeb participant without a parameter, it will obtain the Spring BeanFactory from the web application context.

Ah, okay. I don't really have a use for that in my situation, at least not right now -- has someone else done this? If so, maybe you (the person who's done it) can add an example to the Wiki page.

The only clean solution I can think of is to write a factory class for the Spring side that does static method calls to grab a Datasource from RIFE. That seems wasteful, though -- there ought to be some way for RIFE to inject dependencies into Spring, since it has already made a Datasource for me.
I'm sorry, my Spring-foo is not good enough atm to be able to answer this correctly. Maybe this is something that you can also add to the initialize method overriding solution that I describe below.

Yes, probably my factory class could be combined with the Spring web participant. I'll try that out tomorrow.

What would be swell would be a Spring participant that automatically adds all the Spring beans to the list of global RIFE properties. That way you wouldn't have to list the beans in two places.
As long as Spring supports full introspection of the beans in the factory, that simply would be an extension of SpringWebParticipant. You can override the initialize() method. It's implementation would call parent.initialize() first and then you can use getRepository().getProperties() to obtain a handle on the global properties. These can then be filled in.

Yes, Spring allows you to list the beans. I will give that a try tomorrow; if it works at all it should be pretty simple.

Hope this helps,

It does!

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