mi-am confectionat pe PC-ul de la lucru (Fedora 3 up to date) un
"server de VPN" cu poptop, ca la carte [1]. De acasa ma conectez la
acel PC atat din windows (VPN Dial-up), cat si din linux (pe laptop am
Windows XP si Fedora 4, cu pptp client).

Problema este ca merge, dar numai cand vrea el. Cand merge, merge
flawless, atat din windows cat si din Linux. Cand nu merge, nu ma pot
conecta, nici din windows, nici din linux. Eroarea care o primesc este
dubioasa rau: "A connection to the remote computer could not be
established" [doh].

In log-urile de pe "server" vad urmatoarele (am activat debug la pppd):
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pptpd[10582]: CTRL: Client xxx.105.65.103
control connection started
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pptpd[10582]: CTRL: Starting call (launching
pppd, opening GRE)
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: Plugin
/usr/lib/pptpd/ loaded.
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: pptpd-logwtmp: $Version$
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: pppd options in effect:
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: debug               # (from
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: nologfd             # (from
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: dump                # (from
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: plugin
/usr/lib/pptpd/              # (from command line)
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: require-mschap-v2           #
(from /etc/ppp/options.pptpd)
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: refuse-pap          # (from
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: refuse-chap         # (from
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: refuse-mschap               #
(from /etc/ppp/options.pptpd)
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: name pptpd          # (from
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: pptpd-original-ip xxx.105.65.103  
          # (from command line)
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: 115200              # (from command line)
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: lock                # (from
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: local               # (from command line)
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: ipparam xxx.105.65.103            
  # (from command line)
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: ms-dns xxx # [don't know how to
print value]                # (from /etc/ppp/options.pptpd)
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]:        
 # (from command line)
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: nobsdcomp           # (from
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: require-mppe-128            #
(from /etc/ppp/options.pptpd)
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: pppd 2.4.3 started by root, uid 0
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/1
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pptpd[10582]: GRE:
read(fd=7,buffer=8056b60,len=8260) from network failed: status = -1
error = Protocol not available
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pptpd[10582]: CTRL: GRE read or PTY write
failed (gre,pty)=(7,6)
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: Modem hangup
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: Connection terminated.
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pppd[10583]: Exit.
Jan 29 13:50:41 celine pptpd[10582]: CTRL: Client xxx.105.65.103
control connection finished

Acel "error = protocol not available" ma intriga la maxim. Google-ul a
dat usurel din umeri la "GRE error protocol not available", "GRE
error" etc.

Partea interesanta e ca dupa cateva ore, fara sa fac Absolut Nimic in
privinta asta, merge din nou. Fara nici o problema. Pe "server"
garantez ca nu se intampla nimic, nu are nimeni acces in afara de
mine, in log-uri nu apare nimic iesit din comun..

Ce m-am gandit sa fac pentru debugging: am dat "lsmod" atunci cand
merge, si atunci cand nu merge. Diferentele sunt urmatoarele:

-- working --
Module                  Size  Used by
ppp_mppe               14336  2
ppp_async              12737  1
crc_ccitt               2113  1 ppp_async
ppp_generic            38548  6 ppp_mppe,ppp_async
slhc                    6849  1 ppp_generic

-- not working --
ppp_mppe               14336  0
ppp_async              12737  0
crc_ccitt               2113  1 ppp_async
ppp_generic            38548  2 ppp_mppe,ppp_async
slhc                    6849  1 ppp_generic

Am dat "rmmod" apoi "modprobe" pe toate modulele astea; am dat apoi
doar "rmmod" pe ele, dispareau frumos din memorie, am dat "service
pptpd restart", am incercat din nou sa ma conectez. Same thing,
modulele apar in memorie, dar in log-uri am aceeasi eroare de GRE.

Problema ignora chiar si reboot-urile "serverului"; adica, atunci cand
merge, merge si dupa reboot; cand nu merge, nu merge nici dupa

Stand stramb si judecand drept, chiar n-am cu ce sa asociez aparitia
problemei. Dupa toate aparentele sunt anumite intervale orare cand
GRE-ul intra in greva...

Any ideas unde sa ma mai uit ?

Multumesc frumos.


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