Sofia, Bulgaria, November 19-24, 2019 The interdisciplinary and exponentially dynamic nature of this Age of Discoveries transforms perceptions as they existed before. The theme and topic of the conference are dictated by the current highly dynamic development of disciplines developing and enriching the paradigms of human knowledge, communication and aesthetic experience. This prompts for the adoption of a consolidated approach to the development of education and science in the EU and Bulgaria – an approach of uniting science, education, social engagement, technology and art. Such a consolidated approach is featured in the STEM and STEAM models – training by uniting the methods of science, technology, engineering art and mathematics, thus enabling learning by experiencing and improving the skills to work with concepts, abstractions and symbols. Emotional Intelligence Art + Sci + Tech Trialogues | R&D Academics, NGO’s, SME’s and Industry (Culture & Creative Industries) Experience Design Art + Sci + Tech Trialogues | R&D Academics & NGO’s, SME’s and Industry (Culture & Creative Industries) STEAM Education Art + Sci + Tech Trialogues | Educating Teachers / Lifelong Education Co-creative Environment Art + Sci + Tech Trialogues | Educating Teachers / Lifelong Education DAY 1: 21st November 2019 (Thursday) 9:30 – 10:00 | Registration (National Palace of Culture | Entrance A4) 10:00 – 10:50 | OPENING | MINDS & HEARTS IN MOTION: Empowering European Political Panel Sofia Wind Orchestra Bulgarian Minister of Education and Science | Krassimir Velchev Bulgarian Minister of Culture | Boil Banov Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister | Tomislav Donchev Director General CERN | Dr Fabiola Gianotti European Commissioner for Innovation and Youth | Mariya Gabriel RELOGIA Organizers 10:50 – 11:50 | Art + Sci + Tech Trialogue 01: Theme 01: EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE | R&D Academics, NGO’s, SME’s and Industry (Culture & Creative Industries) Art + Sci + Tech Integrative Education and Research Modules presentations: providing platform for Future Policy making scenarios in Research, Education, Society and Culture Art: Martine Reicherts | Former Director-General for Education and Culture, DG EAC | Luxemburg Sci: Prof Maria Laura Manca | Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine & MA Mathematics, University of Pisa | Pisa, Italy Tech: Special Guest | TBA Art+Sci+Tech Trialogue 01 Q&A 01 PERFORMANCE 01: Genadi Tkachenko Papish – The Voice of Planet Earth | Berlin, Germany 12:00 – 12:20 | Networking Coffee Break 10:50 – 11:50 | Art + Sci + Tech Trialogue 02: Theme 01: EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE | R&D Academics, NGO’s, SME’s and Industry (Education, Culture & Creative Industries) Art + Sci + Tech Integrative Education and Research Modules presentations: providing platform for Future Policy making scenarios in Research, Education, Society and Culture Art: Dr Cvetana Ivanova | Founder & Director Art & Science Research Foundation Re: | Sofia, Bulgaria Sci: Prof Manos Tsakiris | Department Psychology, Warburg Institute & Royal Holloway | London , United Kingdom Tech: Dr Dorijan Kolundzhia | Founder & Director Gallery 12+ | Belgrade, Serbia Art+Sci+Tech Trialogue 02 Q&A 02 PERFORMANCE 02: Mihail Iossifov & Sextet – The Music of the Love Hormone – Oxytocin | Bulgaria 13:30 – 14:30 | Networking LUNCH Break 14:30 – 15:40 | Art + Sci + Tech Trialogue 03: Theme 02: EXPERIENCE DESIGN | R&D Academics & NGO’s, SME’s and Industry (Education, Culture & Creative Industries) Art + Sci + Tech Integrative Education and Research Modules presentations: providing platform for Future Policy making scenarios in Research, Education, Society and Culture Art: Dr Gerald Bast | President of the University of Applied Arts, Vienna | Austria Sci: Prof Kelly Snook | Kepler Concordia – Space Science, Music and Technology | UK & USA Tech: Prof Dr Heidrun Stoeger | Chair Professor of School Research, School Department and Evaluation, University of Regensburg | Germany Art+Sci+Tech Trialogue 03 Q&A 03 PERFORMANCE 03: MuArts, Francisco Teixeira – Presentation & Live Demonstration: Brain Dj / In-Volution & Mindfulness Neurofeedback | Lisbon, Portugal 15:40 – 16:00 | Networking Coffee Break 16:00 – 17:30 | Art + Sci + Tech Trialogue 04: Theme 02: EXPERIENCE DESIGN | R&D Academics & NGO’s, SME’s and Industry (Education, Culture & Creative Industries) Art + Sci + Tech Integrative Education and Research Modules presentations: providing platform for Future Policy making scenarios in Research, Education, Society and Culture Art: Ross Dowd | Demonstration Designer, Experiemnts in Arts & Technology (E.A.T.) NOKIA Bell Labs |Dublin, Ireland Sci: Prof Dr Vladimir Nikitin | Head of Philosophical Anthropology and Arts Therapy Department, Moscow Social Pedagogical Institute | Moscow, Russia Tech: Ari Peralta | Founder & Director Arigami | London, UK Art+Sci+Tech Trialogue 04 Q&A 04 PERFORMANCE 04: Special Guest (TBA) DAY 2: 22nd November 2019 (Friday) 9:00 – 9:30 Registration (A4 entrance of National Palace of Culture) 10:00 – 11:10 | THEME 03: STEAM EDUCATION BG -EU STEAM Projects: CALL FOR ACTION | Moderator: Denitsa Sacheva | Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Education and Science STEAM Education – the Future of Education | HE, Educating Teachers / Lifelong Education PR 01: Horizon 2020 -2030 | EXPRESCIA PAN EU Project Karina Angelieva | Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Bulgaria PR 02: EU STEAM TOOL: AIM & Open Art+Sci+Tech Education Module Open Source Foundation & Prof Dr Peter Tsanev | National Academy of Arts, Bulgaria PR 03: National BG & EU STEAM Platform Prof Kostadin Kostadinov | Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science & Geert Asselbergs | Coordinator EU STEAM Platform PERFORMANCE 05: Martine-Nicole Rojina – SISTER>MOON |. München, Germany 11:10 – 11:30 | Networking Coffee Break 11:30 – 12:40 | Art + Sci + Tech Trialogue 05: THEME 03: STEAM EDUCATION | R&D Academics (Education ) Art + Sci + Tech Integrative Education and Research Modules presentations: providing platform for Future Policy making scenarios in Research, Education, Society and Culture Art: Prof Jill Scott | Professor Emerita for Art and Science Research, Institute for Cultural Studies ZHDK, Zürich University of the Arts | Zürich, Switzerland Sci: Karina Angelieva | Bulgarian Deputy Minister of Education and Science | Bulgaria Tech: Beatrice Boots | Director PTvT Dutch National STEM Platform | the Netherlands Art+Sci+Tech Trialogue 05 Q&A 05 PERFORMANCE 06: Milen Petrov- Dance as a Way of Knowing | Bulgaria 12:40 – 13:00 | Networking Coffee Break 13:00 – 14:05 | Art + Sci + Tech Trialogue 06: THEME 03: STEAM EDUCATION | R&D Academics (Education ) Art + Sci + Tech Integrative Education and Research Modules presentations: providing platform for Future Policy making scenarios in Research, Education, Society and Culture Art: Prof Dr Ingeborg Reichle | Professor Media Theory, University of Applied Arts, Vienna | Austria Sci: Mikkel Bohm | Director ASTRA – National Center for Learning in Science, Technology and Health | Denmark Tech: Dr Heidi Henrickson | Materials Platform, Aalto University | Finland Art+Sci+Tech Trialogue 06 Q&A 06 PERFORMANCE 07: DIVERSE CINEMA – CONSCOUS EXISTENCE a Journey Within & Live Piano 14:05 – 14:55 | Networking LUNCH Break 14:55 – 16:05 | Art + Sci + Tech Trialogue 07: THEME 04: CO-CREATIVE ENVIRONMENT | R&D Academics (Research, Education and Creative Industries ) Art + Sci + Tech Integrative Education and Research Modules presentations: providing platform for Future Policy making scenarios in Research, Education, Society and Culture Art: Richard Reynolds & Richie Manu | MA Applied Imagination for the Creative Industries, Central Saint Martins – UAL | London, United Kingdom Sci: Prof Dr Peter Tzanev | Head of Department Psychology of Art, Art Education and General Education Subjects, National Academy of Arts | Sofia, Bulgaria Tech: Dr Michael Katharakis | Director Technical Institute of Heraklion Chamber of Commerce & Industry | Greece Art+Sci+Tech Trialogue 07 Q&A 07 PERFORMANCE 08: STEAM Performance KIDS | Bulgaria 16:05 – 16:25 | Networking Coffee Break 16:25 – 17:30 | Art + Sci + Tech Trialogue 08: THEME 04: CO-CREATIVE ENVIRONMENT | R&D Academics (Research, Education and Creative Industries ) Art + Sci + Tech Integrative Education and Research Modules presentations: providing platform for Future Policy making scenarios in Research, Education, Society and Culture Art: Dr Claudia Schnugg | Author of the Book “Creating ArtScience Collaboration” | Austria Sci: Prof Sarantos Psycharis | School of Pedagogical and Technological Education ASPETE | Athens, Greece Tech: Aravinth Panch | Community Builder, New Media Artist and Embedded Systems Engineer, Founder Dream Space Academy | Sri Lanka Art+Sci+Tech Trialogue 08 Q&A 08 PERFORMANCE 09: Leon Timble – GRAVITY SYNTH | Birmingham, United Kingdom VIP Registration) 17:30 – 17:50 | Networking Coffee Break 17:50 – 19:30 | Art + Sci + Tech Trialogue 09: THEME 04: CO-CREATIVE ENVIRONMENT | R&D Academics (Research, Education and Creative Industries ) Art + Sci + Tech Integrative Education and Research Modules presentations: providing platform for Future Policy making scenarios in Research, Education, Society and Culture Art: Daniela Urem | Founder MAST Module education program / Creative Cultural Alliance | Croatia Sci: Maria Vicente | Open Science Network, Leiden University | the Netherlands Tech: Dr Bojana Suzic | Smart Cities & Urban Labs / Scientific Researcher in Process and Product Engeneering Department, University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg (FHV) | Austria Art+Sci+Tech Trialogue 09 Q&A 09 PERFORMANCE 10: Special Guest (TBA) -- rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze Archiv: Ent/Subskribieren: