The Department for Image Science invites participation in the Media Art Preservation Institute held at the Danube University Krems, located 70km from Vienna in the UNESCO World Heritage Wachau region.
Danube University is the leading public university in Europe specializing in advanced continuing education by offering low-residency degree programs for working professionals and continuing education / advanced studies. The Media Art Preservation Institute provides 5 ECTS of material in the MediaArtHistories, MA curriculum. The Media Art Preservation Institute takes place Saturday – Wednesday June 6-10, 2020. PROGRAM: Saturday - June 6th, 2020 – 15:00 - 18:00 Challenges, Needs and Current State of Media Art Preservation Sunday – June 7th, 2020 – 9:30 - 18:00 Expanding Strategic Archiving and Documentation Monday – June 8th, 2020 – 9:30 - 18:00 Media Art Material Conservation from Analog to Digital Tuesday – June 9th, 2020 – 9:30 - 18:00 Developing Preservation Strategies Across Stakeholders Wednesday – June 10th, 2020 – 9:30 - 16:00 Results, Resources & Wrap-up Lecturers: Patricia Falcao, Andreas Weisser, Laurent Mingnonneau, Wendy Coones, Oliver Grau DESCRIPTION: Media Art is in the process of entering museums and archives, galleries and private collections, and other more unexpected places. However, this art form is threatened by significant loss due to rapid technological obsolescence and insufficient documentation strategies. The special needs required to care for this valuable and fragile heritage is slowly becoming obvious. Understanding the tenets of media art preservation is no longer a niche, but useful skills and knowledge in an expanding field. To contribute to the development of this expertise the Danube University Krems is pleased to offer a professional training institute introducing fundamental concepts for the preservation of media art. This workshop brings together knowledge and experience in conservation & documentation from experts in both academic, institutional and private practice. Interacting with a varied group of participants, the institute will facilitate a mix of clearly structured lectures, practical exercises and lively group discussions. Resource materials and deep investigation of case-studies enable future practical use. The activities will give participants the opportunity to learn about the materials of media art, the risks for their preservation, and the strategies available for some of the specific media, such as audio, video interfaces or software. Participants will also learn about different methods and aims of documentation, and some of the varied approaches being used in the field. The 5-day institute brings together the critical mass of expertise with representation from Media Art historians, archivists, artists preserving collected works, and of course conservators and restoration specialists from both collecting institutions and freelance. TARGET GROUP: Anyone involved with cultural, collecting or archiving institutions. Conservators and conservation lecturers / grad students, AV technicians, media artists, archivists, registrars, curators, collectors. Researchers in art history, media studies, (media) archeology or digital cultural heritage. APPLICATION: A maximum of 24 may participate in this professional training. Deadline to apply - April 1 Results by April 3rd. Places made available after April 3rd will be given to those on the waiting list or given on a first come first serve basis. Staff at universities in Erasmus+ program countries may apply for Erasmus+ mobility funds. Please, contact the International Office at your home institution about staff training funds available for travel and accommodation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are receiving this as a forwarded message and would like to be added to the Dept for Image Science mailing list please email zbw(at) *Please forward this announcement to colleagues and other interested parties.* -- Department for Image Science – Danube University Krems in cooperation with the Archive for Digital Art, the Project "Lehr- und Forschungsinfrastruktur für Digitale Künste an Hochschulen (LeFo)" of Media Arts, funded by the Austrian Federal Government and the Arts & Digital Humanities Lab of DanubeU -- rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze Archiv: Ent/Subskribieren: