Dear all, we would like to invite you to our upcoming conference "EVICTED BY GREED: GLOBAL FINANCE, HOUSING & RESISTANCE" taking place on May 29-31 on streaming (free attendance).
EVICTED BY GREED explores the nexus of financial flows hidden in tax havens, real estate speculation and overheated rental markets. While connecting diverse perspectives from investigative journalists, activists, experts, and researchers, the event examines countermeasures adopted by civil society. EVICTED BY GREED is building on the leaks of the Panama and the Paradise Papers, embedding the related investigations in the context of the global housing crisis. In cooperation with Transparency International. # PROGRAMME # Friday, May 29, 2020 16:00—17:30 · KEYNOTE · Anonymous & Aggressive Investors: Who owns Berlin & Barcelona? Christoph Trautvetter (Public Policy Expert, Netzwerk Steuergerechtigkeit / Wem gehört die Stadt (RLS), DE). Manuel Gabarre de Sus (Lawyer and Activist, Observatory Against Economical Crime. ES). Moderated by Eka Rostomashvili (Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator at Transparency International, GE/DE). 18:00—19:30 · PANEL · Foggy Properties & Golden Sands: Money Laundering in London & Dubai Sam Leon (Data Investigations Lead at Global Witness, UK). Karina Shedrofsky (Dubai’s Golden Sands investigation, Head of OCCRP’s research team, BIH). Moderated by Rima Sghaier (Outreach & Research Fellow, Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights, TUN/IT). 20:15—21:00 · LIVE CONVERSATION · PUSH - The Film With Fredrik Gertten (Filmmaker, Producer & Journalist, SE) and Leilani Farha (Global Director, The Shift & Former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing, PS/CA). Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Programme Director, Disruption Network Lab e. V., IT/DE) – Excerpts & live conversation. The film screening of "PUSH - The Film" is planned on July 30, 2020, from 20:00, at ACUD Macht Neu in Berlin (outdoor yard). # Saturday, May 30 · 2020 15:40—16:30 · TALK · Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co! Volkan Sayman (Sociologist, Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen, DE). Moderated by Ela Kagel (Supermarkt Berlin, DE). 17:00—18:30 · KEYNOTE · The Human Rights Solution: Tackling the housing crisis Leilani Farha (Global Director, The Shift & Former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing, PS/CA). In conversation with Justus von Daniels (CORRECTIV / Wem gehört Berlin, DE). 19:10—19:30 · SHORT FILM PRÈMIERE · “StealThisPoster: Artivism & the Struggle of Lucha Y Siesta” by StealThisPoster (Subvertising collective, IT/UK). 19:30-21:10 · PANEL · Resisting Speculation: Ecological Commons, Subvertising & Fighting Tech Domination Marco Clausen (Co-founder Prinzessinnengarten, DE), Yonatan Miller (Tech Workers Coalition, Berlin vs. Amazon, US/DE), StealThisPoster (subvertising collective IT/UK), Moderated by Iva Čukić (Co-founder & Coordinator, Ministry of Space, SRB). Video contribute by Penny Travlou (University of Edinburgh, AARG! & Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research, GR). # Sunday, May 31 · 2020 17:00—18:30 · Virtual Tour "Visiting the Invisible" A Berlin City Tour to Anonymous and Aggressive Real Estate Investors Christoph Trautvetter (Public Policy Expert, Netzwerk Steuergerechtigkeit / Wem gehört die Stadt -RLS, DE). The tour draws on the findings of the project "Wem gehört die Stadt" of the Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung, including recent and forthcoming studies on the ownership structure of Berlin with data collected from various groups. --------------------------------------------------------------------- More information on our website: Details of the events: -- Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director Disruption Network Lab Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz PGP: -- rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze Archiv: Ent/Subskribieren: