Dear all, I would like to remind you that our conference EVICTED BY GREED: GLOBAL FINANCE, HOUSING & RESISTANCE" it is going on until tomorrow on streaming from our channel:
I paste down the programme of today and tomorrow. Come to visit us from 15:40 and ask questions on the chat. We look forward to seeing you there! Tatiana --------------------------------------------------------------- # PROGRAMME # Saturday, May 30 · 2020 15:40—16:30 · TALK · Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co! Volkan Sayman (Sociologist, Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen, DE). Moderated by Ela Kagel (Supermarkt Berlin, DE). 17:00—18:30 · KEYNOTE · The Human Rights Solution: Tackling the housing crisis Leilani Farha (Global Director, The Shift & Former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing, PS/CA). In conversation with Justus von Daniels (CORRECTIV / Wem gehört Berlin, DE). 19:10—19:30 · SHORT FILM PRÈMIERE · “StealThisPoster: Artivism & the Struggle of Lucha Y Siesta” by StealThisPoster (Subvertising collective, IT/UK). 19:30-21:10 · PANEL · Resisting Speculation: Ecological Commons, Subvertising & Fighting Tech Domination Marco Clausen (Co-founder Prinzessinnengarten, DE), Yonatan Miller (Tech Workers Coalition, Berlin vs. Amazon, US/DE), StealThisPoster (subvertising collective IT/UK), Moderated by Iva Čukić (Co-founder & Coordinator, Ministry of Space, SRB). Video contribute by Penny Travlou (University of Edinburgh, AARG! & Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research, GR). # Sunday, May 31 · 2020 17:00—18:30 · Virtual Tour "Visiting the Invisible" A Berlin City Tour to Anonymous and Aggressive Real Estate Investors Christoph Trautvetter (Public Policy Expert, Netzwerk Steuergerechtigkeit / Wem gehört die Stadt -RLS, DE). The tour draws on the findings of the project "Wem gehört die Stadt" of the Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung, including recent and forthcoming studies on the ownership structure of Berlin with data collected from various groups. --------------------------------------------------------------------- More information on our website: Details of the events: -- Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director Disruption Network Lab Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz PGP: -- rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze Archiv: Ent/Subskribieren: