
Romania Threatens To Take Church Property

Bill Could Repeat Stalin's Expropriation

By Chiara Santomiero

BUCHAREST, Romania, FEB. 17, 2009 ( <>
Sixty years after it happened in Communist times, the Catholic Church in
Romania is again afraid that the state will expropriate their property if a
controversial bill is approved.

Bishop Virgil Bercea of the Byzantine Eparchy of Oradea Mare explained, "If
this bill is approved, what happened in 1948 will be repeated, when Stalin
denied the Church in Romania united with Rome, Greek [Byzantine] Catholic,
the right to exist, subtracting goods and imprisoning their bishops." 

The prelate, who is also responsible for the laity commission of the
Catholic bishops' conference of Romania, told ZENIT of his concern about the
bill. He explained that this bill about the legal regulations of real estate
belonging to the Orthodox and Byzantine faiths in Romania was discussed from
Jan. 27-29 in the juridical committee of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies. 

The bill provides, among other things, that "in rural areas, where there are
parish communities of both confessions, and monasteries, [.] the sacred
goods -- places of worship, parish houses, cemetery and land belonging to
them -- will be owned by the majority religion." 

"Inevitably," Bishop Bercea pointed out, "this rule will harm us, as the
Greek Catholic Church has always been a minority, but extremely vital in the
life of the country." 

Letter of appeal

Archbishop Lucian Muresan, the major archbishop of the Romanian Church
united to Rome, sent a letter to the president and the prime minister of
Romania to express "dismay" and to request the withdrawal of a bill that
would "cause moral and material damage to our Church and violate the
constitutional rights of the Greek Catholic faithful." 

The letter reads: "The Romanian state, the successor to the Communist state
of 1948, has the moral obligation to restore to the Church everything that
has been confiscated. We ask only what belongs to us according to the law,
in accordance with the Constitution of Romania and international laws." 

"In Oradea," Bishop Bercea said, "We had 220 churches; 19 have been returned
to us." He added, "Often, we simply ask to be able to celebrate in the same
building of worship at different times from the Orthodox." 

Stalin seized the assets of the Byzantine Church, which became the property
of the Orthodox Church. At this time, priests, religious and bishops were
considered outlaws, and many suffered imprisonment or even martyrdom.

Prayer for harmony

The bishop explained that there are cases in some localities where there are
two churches, originally an Orthodox and a Byzantine Catholic. He said, "The
Orthodox celebrate one Sunday in one church and the other Sunday in the
other, leaving one closed alternately, while we are obliged to celebrate in
homes, in schools or even outdoors." 

The bishop remarked on the "pity" of this threatening situation "on the part
of the hierarchy of the Orthodox Church, which is not shared by all the
bishops, as there are places where [the two Churches] live in harmony and
where the Orthodox Church, if it has not returned all property that belonged
to the Greek-Catholic Church, at least [returned] that which was needed." 

It is also an attitude, he said, that "does not spread among people, because
here the families are often constituted by Orthodox and Greek Catholics, as
well as Romanians, Germans and Hungarians."

"We are conscious," concludes Bishop Bercea, "of being too small to be able
to prevent the adoption of the law. We put our efforts and that of those who
want to support us into prayer." 

Feb. 11 marked a day of prayer and fasting for members of the Byzantine
Catholic Church, to pray for aid in this situation.

C Innovative Media, Inc.

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