A repository for a CPP is what an ebXML registry/repository stores...as well
as other information. OASIS has an ebXML registry/repository.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher J. Feahr, OD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 1:09 PM
Subject: RE: registry and repository

Thanks for your comments.  I did not realize that we had OASIS folks
following this discussion... that's great!  Just as a "reality check", I
did fwd. a copy of my last post to Jon Bosak for comment.  Lisa indicated
that her committee was focused on the registry component.  I believe Dave
Minch is inquiring about standard structures or templates that might be
evolving in OASIS for all or part of the CPP-repository.  Are you aware of
anything like this, Rachel?


At 10:24 PM 6/4/02 -0500, Rachel Foerster wrote:
>My immediate first-read impression is that this is a good approach. I would
>also add an additional concept/idea that surfaced this week during
>discussions at X12 in Minneapolis, i.e., that for most/many trading
>accessing such a registry/repository doesn't necessarily have to be a
>dynamic task performed each time an interchange is created. Rather, it
>be necessary to access such a registry/repository once or intermittently in
>order to obtain the needed information for addressing/routing. Of course,
>this assumes that the addressing/routing information is more static than
>volatile. But, my gut tells me that it will be more static rather than
>volatile....at least during the early months/years of HIPAA EDI deployment.
>Furthermore, keep in mind that OASIS has an ebXML compliant
>registry/repository already developed. It would be worthwhile to
>how healthcare could tap into using it.
>Rachel Foerster
>Rachel Foerster & Associates, Ltd.
>Professionals in EDI & Electronic Commerce
>39432 North Avenue
>Beach Park, IL 60099
>Phone: 847-872-8070
>Fax: 847-872-6860
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Christopher J. Feahr, OD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 7:18 PM
>Subject: registry and repository
>Dear Group:
>Dave Minch has been researching these terms as they are used in the ebXML
>world and we have been talking offline about their applicability to this
>project.  Please correct me if you feel that any of this is off-base, but I
>would like to propose these two basic concepts for our project.
>The repository is the actual record of connectivity requirements and other
>information that is needed to set up a trading relationship.  Some of our
>repository elements may be unique to healthcare or refer to a unique
>requirement of HIPAA, but most will be data elements commonly required by
>any 2 entities wishing to establish electronic data exchange.
>The key points about the repository:
>1. It is essentially one collection of data about one trading partner's
>requirements, although it may be compartmentalized and it may be spread
>over several linked "documents" or URLs
>2. The repository remains under the direct control of the trading partner
>to whom it refers (the "owner")
>3. There is only one copy of the repository in existence
>4. Each TP can decide what parts of his/her repository are exposed to whom
>5. The repository can have any physical or logical location that is
>acceptable to the owner
>The registry is a separate database, built to standard specifications, and
>able to be accessed with a standard query protocol.  It's purpose is to
>link the all the possible identifiers used by a single trading partner with
>his/her SINGLE repository ADDRESS (generally, a URL).  For example, if
>Company A is known by 10 nationally unique alphanumeric codes or names,
>then he would probably want to have 10 different registry records, in which
>each ID code points to the same repository, containing all of his "TPA"
>Key points about the registry:
>1. The registry should conform strictly to an established standard (like
>ebXML) so that it can be queried automatically using standard protocols.
>2. An industry like healthcare can support any number of registries.  There
>might be a slight advantage in having only one registry for healthcare, but
>it would be almost the same effort to have a system query 3 or 4 or even 20
>registries in rapid succession.  All we would be looking for in the
>registry is the URL for the company's SINGLE repository record or
>3. There is no limit to the number of different identifiers that can be
>linked in a registry to a single CPP repository.  This means that in
>addition to the identifiers permitted in the ISA, we could list a company's
>common names and abbreviations (e.g., "Vision Service Plan" or "VSP"), any
>of the company's National PlanIDs, etc. Some standardization here would be
>helpful and in general, we would expect the identifiers printed on the
>subscriber ID card to be the same ones placed in the registry.  There is no
>requirement, however, to restrict the registry pointer IDs to the set of ID
>codes that are "legal" in the ISA.  ISA receiver ID preferences would be
>spelled out in the CPP repository.
>4. A company would be free to list itself in as many registries as it
>liked.  Companies should list the same identifiers in every registry, but
>the system would still function OK if the different registries were not
>perfectly synchronized... as long as the repository URL was listed
>correctly in each record.
>5. The registry would be a relatively static, low maintenance database.  As
>long as the listed entity kept the URL of its CPP Repository constant,
>there would be no need to edit the pointers in the registry.  The contents
>and even the physical location of the repository could be changed whenever
>necessary (by the owner), but it would only rarely be necessary to edit the
>If this general approach to storing and indexing the CPP information is
>acceptable, then I would like to suggest that we discuss the particulars of
>the CPP registry with the OASIS folks and that we use Dave's suggested,
>2-part approach to defining the contents of the repository.  Part 1 would
>be a listing of all the pure data elements of the CPP (using XML
>terminology), separate from any external hierarchies.  Then Part 2 would be
>a specific implementation model (along the lines of the one I have posted)
>optimized for small providers who wish to connect directly to payors and
>for those payors to easily determine a "return path" back to the
>provider.  The CH/VAN community may have a slightly different set of needs
>and may wish to create a different repository structure (using the same
>universe of CPP data elements), but I suggest that would be out of scope
>for this project.
>How does this sound so far?
>Christopher J. Feahr, OD
>Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268

Christopher J. Feahr, OD
Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268

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