On Jun 4, 2010, at 12:04 PM, Belal Salem wrote:

> Thanks for explaining that!
> But now, all the RPM packages that I have this issue with are installing 
> correctly with RPM-4.x as that the directory structure are listed when using 
> -qlp, but with RPM-5.3.11, the package manager complain about the directories 
> until I use the --nodeps to workaround it, hence it installs correctly and it 
> does create the needed directories.

Instead of --nodeps, try --noparentdirs/--nolinktos disablers.

Yes. I've described another "recommended" procedure to track
the "orphan" (i.e. not explicitly included in any package) directories
and "dangling" (i.e. the end-point is not in any package) symlinks.

To mask a single directory during development/bootstrapping
until you can correct what is intrinsically a packaging flaw (imho):

        mkdir -p /etc/rpm/sysinfo
        echo "/some/orphan/directory/" >> /etc/rpm/sysinfo/Dirnames
        echo "/some/dangling/symlink: >> /etc/rpm/sysinfo/Filelinktos

You -- in fact -- can satisfy any missing dependency using /etc/rpm/sysinfo:
        echo "libmissing.so" >> /etc/rpm/sysinfo/Providename
        echo "awol-package = 1:2.3" >> /etc/rpm/sysinfo/Providename

If you don't wish the manual one-by-one setup tedium, then
use --noparentdirs --nolinktos (or --nodeps) while installing into a chroot
(with --root /some/chroot) and then extract *all* of the
parentdir/linkto flaws like
        rpm -Va --nofiles | grep '^/' | sort -u > /tmp/Dirnames.new

Compiling the disabler directly into RPM prevents usage. You can do
that as well if you wish: just its "Have it your own way!" supported
(and I am not the person to ask for support of what I believe isn't
a feature).


73 de Jeff
> On Sun, 04 Sep 2011 16:47:38 +0200, Jeff Johnson <n3...@mac.com> wrote:
>> On Jun 4, 2010, at 2:55 AM, Belal Salem wrote:
>>> Hi there!
>>> I issued the same issue before, when installing some packages, the RPM 
>>> package manager doesn't create the required folders and ask for the folders 
>>> as unresolved dependencies, although those folders are part of the package 
>>> being installed.
>> Its "part of the package" which is confusing.
>> There are two meanings for "part of the package":
>> 1) directory components as part of file paths
>> 2) directory explicitly listed in "rpm -qpl *.rpm"
>> If its not explicitly in the file manifest, its not "part of the package"
>> and you *will* see what you are reporting.
>>> Recompiling RPM with the options: --disable-dirname-and-symlink-deps didn't 
>>> solve the problem, anyway through that?!
>> I'm not the person to "fix" --disable-dirname-and-symlink-deps.
>> My fix will be to rip out the "Have it your own way!" functionality that 
>> isn't "working"
>> and remove the
>>      --disable-dirname-and-symlink-deps
>> in order to simplify RPM's build and clarify "supported" functionality. I see
>> no future in carrying around functionality that doesn't work as it should
>> and is "vendor supported" by others here @rpm5.org.
>> I will rip out the option if it isn't fixed by someone else @rpm5.org
>> this month.
>> 73 de Jeff
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