On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 09:25:51PM -0400, Wesley Joyce wrote:
> I am having a problem with rsync hanging after completion.  The command I 
> am using is: rsync -vaz --delete /banproc/ backenp650:/banproc (thanks jw 
> for the syntax correction)
> There were 56 deletions on the destination and ~ 1380 files copied total (I 
> gathered these stats by using grep and wc -l on a saved file of my ssh 
> session to the source host).  Below is the last couple of lines on my ssh 
> session.  Pressing enter will give me an extra blank line.  There are blank 
> lines after the last file was copied.  I have not pressed CTRL-C yet.  I do 
> not have the prompt yet nor are the normal statistics/report returned from 
> rsync.
> "
> saturn/sfkpipe07.lis
> saturn/sfkpipe08.lis
> saturn/sfkpipe09.lis
> saturn/sfkpipe10.lis
> saturn/sfrpini.lis
> saturn/sfrpini_uvi.log
> "
> After completion, while hanging waiting for report and shell prompt,
> On the sending side:
>  ps -ef | grep rsync
>     root  467122  757914   0 20:28:47  pts/0  0:00 remsh backenp650 rsync 
> --server -vlogDtprz --delete . /banproc
>     root  757914  434186   0 20:28:47  pts/0  1:19 rsync -vaz --delete 
> /banproc/ backenp650:/banproc
>     root 1019966 1007658   0 21:17:09  pts/1  0:00 grep rsync
>     root 1237152  467122   0 20:28:47  pts/0  0:00 remsh backenp650 rsync 
> --server -vlogDtprz --delete . /banproc
> On the receiving side:
> ps -ef | grep rsync
>     root 385028 327858   0 21:19:43  pts/0  0:00 grep rsync
> Any ideas?

rsync 2.5.7 over remsh on AIX, oy!

You could try the --non-blocking-io option.
Even better would be to use ssh.

        J.W. Schultz            Pegasystems Technologies
        email address:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                Remember Cernan and Schmitt
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