On Mon, Dec 22, 2003 at 11:45:50AM -0800, John Davis wrote:
> Here's my command copied from a shell script:\
> rsync --verbose  --progress --stats --compress --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh
> --recursive --times --perms --links \
> /home/* [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/remotebackups/
> Here's some (a small part) of the output:
> jk/.recently-used
>          253 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00
> rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "jk/.secpanel/.runfiles": Permission denied
> (2)
> stat jk/.secpanel/.runfiles : Permission denied
> rsync: failed to open "jk/.viminfo", continuing : Permission denied
> jk/.viminfo
>         4503 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00
> rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "jk/Desktop/Trash": Permission denied (2)
> stat jk/Desktop/Trash : Permission denied
> jk/rsync.sh
>          161 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00
> mkstemp jk/..bash_history.zb2Vlp failed: Permission denied
> mkstemp jk/..fonts.cache-1.WRbevE failed: Permission denied
> mkstemp jk/..recently-used.rleTG4 failed: Permission denied
> mkstemp jk/..viminfo.IcFUcX failed: Permission denied
> mkstemp jk/.rsync.sh.focqIP failed: Permission denied
> rsync[17002] (sender) heap statistics:
>   arena:        1659224   (bytes from sbrk)
>   ordblks:           51   (chunks not in use)
>   smblks:             6
>   hblks:              1   (chunks from mmap)
>   hblkhd:        266240   (bytes from mmap)
>   usmblks:            0
>   fsmblks:          232
>   uordblks:     1509880   (bytes used)
>   fordblks:      149344   (bytes free)
>   keepcost:      132928   (bytes in releasable chunk)
> The script is being run from the root account. My understanding is that
> running as root will eliminate the permission errors, but apparently
> that's not so. 

The permissions problems aren't local, they are on the
remote server where you seem to be running as trt.

        J.W. Schultz            Pegasystems Technologies
        email address:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                Remember Cernan and Schmitt
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