On Thu, 2008-01-24 at 13:25 +0100, Vitorio Machado wrote:
> Somebody knows if it's possible to compile rsync (version 3 would be
> great, but can be 2.6.x) under Mac OS X 10.3.9 with extended
> attributes?

> I have tried to compile rsync from source but the problem I found is
> that the xattr patch seems to need the acl patch. But 10.3 doesn't
> have the ACL support so doesn't provides the expected headers and the
> make command fails.

In rsync 3, support for preserving acls and xattrs is in the trunk and
the "acls" and "xattrs" patches just add acl and xattr protocol
compatibility with older versions of rsync.  Thus, you probably don't
need to apply either patch.  Try compiling rsync 3.0.0pre8 without
patches, and if you still run into problems, post the exact error


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