Matt McCutchen wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-03-01 at 17:21 -0800, Bill Landry wrote:
>> I just setup my first rsyncd server and all is working well as far as
>> file syncing goes.  However, I am a bit baffled by the fact that some of
>> the log entries in the rsyncd.log file are entered in local time and
>> other are entered in GMT.
> This happens because the chroot done by the rsync daemon prevents glibc
> from reading /etc/localtime to determine the current timezone.  I'm not
> sure what is the "right" fix for this issue, but you can work around it
> using the new chroot+chdir mode in rsync >= 3.0.0.  E.g., configuration:
> [some-module]
>       use chroot = true
>       path = /path/to/chroot/./some-module
> Then copy /etc/localtime to /path/to/chroot/etc/localtime and put the
> module data in /path/to/chroot/some-module.  See also:

Thanks for this workaround/solution, Matt.  At least this works.

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