Battle Over the Future of College Football Bowls Heads to Congress
By Jesse J. Holland Associated Press Writer
Published: Sep 3, 2003

WASHINGTON (AP) - Days into the new college football season, Congress will get a
chance to hear from some of the sport's most powerful figures about the best way to
determine a national champion.
Some schools shut out from the automatic bids in the Bowl Championship Series claim
the system amounts to an illegal monopoly, giving the biggest schools the best shot at
the lucrative bowl postseason.

But even one of the Bowl Championship Series' most vocal opponents wants Congress to
stay out of the postseason plan.

"Whatever issues may exist, it really should be worked among the university presidents
without the intervention of Congress," said Tulane University's president, Scott
Cowen. He founded an anti-BCS organization designed to get schools such as Tulane a
better shot at one of the bowl games.

Joining Cowen on the witness list at a House Judiciary Committee hearing Thursday on
the BCS were NCAA President Myles Brand, Big Ten Commissioner James Delany and former
pro quarterback Steve Young.

While no one expects legislation to result, both supporters and detractors of the bowl
system were hoping to the best public face possible on their arguments.

Cowen's Presidential Coalition for Athletic Reform and BCS representatives are to meet
in Chicago on Monday to discuss the series' future. The current BCS contract expires
after the 2005 season and the 2006 bowl games.

BCS supporters say the system does not violate antitrust rules because it is open to
all schools through two at-large bids.

"The BCS is giving the public exactly what it wants - a national championship game and
other high-quality bowl matchups that appeal to fans while being open and inclusive of
all Division I-A institutions," Delany and Kevin Weiberg, the Big 12 commissioner,
wrote in an opinion piece offered to newspapers last month. (snip)

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