Since a city has_many pictures this tell you that the pictures table
has a city_id foreign key in it.

There isn't a nice way to do it the other way around.

On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 5:43 PM, Pod Caster
> Hi, I have a basic question about how to setup my models and DB
> structure.
> I will have an app that allow users to upload pictures. Pictures are
> related to cities. Users can upload pictures for many cities.
> The visitors can view the pictures based on the city they are visiting.
> So when they do a search obviously the search scope on the DB should be
> at city level.
> I might end up with many many records and my questions are targeting DB
> efficiency.
> 1- Should I have a Pictures table that has a City column on it?
> 2- Should I have a City table that has a Pictures column on it?
> What users will search and view are pictures not cities so I'm not sure
> what will be best if amount of records would be high.
> I guess it would be good to use some indexing on Cities also (?)...
> As you can see I'm not experienced with DB, any suggestions will be
> appreciated.
> Cheers.
> --
> Posted via
> >

Ramon Tayag

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