On Sep 26, 5:51 pm, Neetin Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> i am using rexml and try to find id from Comment table i got the error

Rexml's Comment class is shadowing your own. Either don't include
REXML in the model that is doing this processing (so you'll need to
prefix rexml classes with REXML::) or replace Comment with ::Comment

> my code is like this....
> XPath.each(new_article, 'comments') do |comments|
>               XPath.each(comments, 'comment') do |new_comment|
>                 c_oldid =
> XmlMigratedData.find(:first,:conditions=>["model_type=? and
> ext_id=?","Comment",new_comment.attribute('id').to_s])
>                 if c_oldid !=nil
>                   debugger
>                   @comment=Comment.find(c_oldid.int_id)
>                   @comment.update_attributes(:article_id=>article.id) if
> @comment
>                 else
>                   logger.error("#{comment.attribute('id').to_s} for
> #{old_id}")
>                 end
>               end
>             end
> /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.0.2/lib/commands/runner.rb:47:
> undefined method `find' for REXML::Comment:Class (NoMethodError)
> Suggest me....
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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