So I have this in my environment.rb file:

Mime::Type.register_alias "text/html", :help

Then in one of my views I have this:

<%= render :partial => formatted_summary_account_path("help") %>

In my view folder I have

When pulling up summary.erb I get this error:

 ActionView::MissingTemplate in Accounts#summary

Showing accounts/summary.erb where line #102 raised:

Missing template account/ in view path

Extracted source (around line #102):

99:               <%= image_tag current_style.company_logo.url %>
100:             </div>
101:             <div id="right_side">
102:               <%= render :partial =>
formatted_summary_account_path("help") %>
103:             </div>
104:         </div>
105:       </div>

I dont' understand because I do have there.  Please Help.
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